The GIFI project will support the implementation of the DFI principles in the signatory countries through engagement of the multistakeholder community. GIFI will engage multistakeholder community through a series of activities aimed at:
Raising awareness about the DFI in both the signatory and non-signatory countries with a view to strengthen support and broaden participation; and
Enhancing the understanding of the importance of the open Internet and the EU’s Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles for the Digital Decade.
The engagement with organisations representing the private sector, research institutes, technical communities and CSOs will also promote DFI principles and develop DFI implementation options in line with the whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches.
Specific activities under this pillar include:
DFI Decoded: webinars to familiarise various audiences with the goals and objectives of the DFI.
DFI Laboratories: workshops and other events hosted by GIFI and organised in partnerships with other organisations and institutions on issues critical to the Open Internet and human-centred digital transformation.
DFI Accelerators: individual sessions, roundtables, workshops or other type of engagement with the multistakeholder community organised as part of bigger conferences or other large-format meetings (e.g. global IGF, large regional events, etc.)