Global Initiative on the Future of the Internet

GIFI – Global initiative on the Future of the Internet

The importance of Open Internet and human-centered digital transition as drivers of development have been acknowledged by the European Union. Endorsed by all EU Member States, the Declaration for the Future of the Internet stands as a pivotal document, reinforcing this commitment. 

This vision is echoed by the EU, for example, in its European Declaration of Digital Rights and Principles, which similarly shares these core values and is supported by like-minded partners around the world. 

However, this positive vision of the Internet is being challenged by competing ideas of closed technical, economic, and social approaches to Internet governance that threaten its integrity, global, and open nature. 

Therefore, there is a clear imperative to promote and bring clear examples of policies and actions that aim at ensuring that the positive impact of the Open Internet and human-centric digital transition is implemented and advanced. 

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