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In Focus, Past Events
WTO Reform: Suggestions from Recent Research (Video)
This webinar, organised in partnership with Bertelsmann Stiftung on 8 July, presented findings and recommendations for WTO reform, based on a Bertelsmann Stiftung-support research project. Speakers focused on working practices; dispute settlement; managing subsidy-related...
Many governments are using trade policy measures to increase the availability of personal protective equipment, medical supplies, and food products during the COIVD-19 pandemic. Such measures may take many forms and be carried out by different government agencies. Tracking them is important for assessing their incidence, effectiveness, and potential international spillover effects—particularly on countries that depend on imports of these critical products.
The data on this page are the work of a partnership between the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies’ Global Governance Programme at the European University Institute, the University of St. Gallen’s Global Trade Alert initiative, and the Trade and Regional Integration unit of the World Bank Group. The project collects information on trade policy changes affecting medical and food products since the beginning of 2020. Its aim is to document the cumulative resort to trade policies and changes across countries over time.
Information is derived from official sources, media reports, and other public sources and is updated on a weekly basis. The methodological note can be downloaded here. A chronological list of maps, the underlying data can be found below.
Watch a recording from a webinar presenting the findings of the project and discussing international cooperation held on 5 June and chaired by Prof. Bernard Hoekman.
Recent Publications
Simon Evenett, Bernard Hoekman, Nadia Rocha, Michele Ruta, ‘The Covid-19 vaccine production club : will value chains temper nationalism?‘, EUI Working Paper 2021
Simon Evenett, Matteo Fiorini, Johannes Fritz, Bernard Hoekman, Piotr Lukaszuk, Nadia Rocha, Filippo Santi, Anirudh Shingal, Trade policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis : evidence from a new dataset, EUI Working Paper 2020
Bernard Hoekman, Anirudh Shingal, Varun Eknath, Viktoriya Ereshchenko, COVID-19, public procurement regimes and trade policy, EUI Working Paper 2020
Data, Maps and Methodology
Data release on policy developments in the essential goods sectors in 2022-23
February 2023 | Data, maps and methodological note
December 2022 | Data, maps and methodological note
October 2022 | Data, maps and methodological note
August 2022 | Data, maps and methodological note
21 April 2022 | Data, maps and methodological note
26 May 2022 | Data, maps and methodological note
Monthly data release on policy developments in the essential goods sectors in 2021
18 February 2021 | Data, maps and methodological note
1 April 2021 | Data, maps and methodological note
21 May 2021 | Data, maps and methodological note
18 June 2021 | Data, maps and methodological note
23 July 2021 | Data, maps and methodological note
22 October 2021 | Data, maps and methodological note
Weekly data release on policy developments in the essential goods sectors in 2020
1 May 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
8 May 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
15 May 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
22 May 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
29 May 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
5 June 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
12 June 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
19 June 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
26 June 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
03 July 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
10 July 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
17 July 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
24 July 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
31 July 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
07 August 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
14 August 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
21 August 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
28 August 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
04 September 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
11 September 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
18 September 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
02 October 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
09 October 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
16 October 2020 | Data, maps and methodological note
22 January 2021 | Data, maps and methodological note
Import Reforms on Medical Supplies

Import Reforms on Food

Export Controls on Medical Supplies

Export Controls on Food