WTO Dispute Settlement and Case Law Project
Ongoing, since 2001
The project, started in 2001 with financial support from the American Law Institute, brings together lawyers and economists who jointly assess the previous years WTO Case Law at an annual conference hosted by the Global Governance Programme, EUI.
Final versions of case law papers are published in an annual special issue of The World Trade Review.
The publisher, Cambridge University Press, has made these articles available free of change.
They can be downloaded at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/world-trade-review/information/reporters-studies-of-wto-case-law-from-world-trade-review.
Co-organizers Chad P. Bown, Henrik Horn, and Petros C. Mavroidis
In addition, the project includes a dataset on WTO disputes that is periodically updated. The last version of the dataset with updated information spanning 1995 to 2020 and an associated user guide can be downloaded below from ‘WTO Dispute Settlement Database’.
Related datasets on WTO disputes compiled by Chad Bown that no longer are being updated but continue to be useful for research can be found below under ‘Trade Flows and Trade Disputes Dataset’ and ‘Temporary Trade Barriers Database’.
Dispute no. |
Short title | Case Law Year | Publication citation(s) | Economist | Lawyer | |
DS135 | EC – Asbestos | 2001 | Horn, Henrik and Joseph H.H. Weiler “EC – Asbestos: European Communities – Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos-Containing Products,” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 2. Pp. 14-40. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Horn, Henrik | Weiler, Joseph H.H. |
DS58 | US — Shrimp |
2001 | Howse, Robert and Damien J. Neven “US – Shrimp: United States – Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Malaysia,” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 3. Pp. 41-71. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Neven, Damien J. | Howse, Robert |
DS177 DS178 |
US — Lamb US — Lamb |
2001 | Horn, Henrik and Petros C. Mavroidis “US – Lamb: United States – Safeguard Measures on Imports of Fresh, Chilled and Frozen Lamb Meat from New Zealand and Australia: What Should be Required of a Safeguard Investigation?” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 4. Pp. 72-114. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Horn, Henrik | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS141 | EC — Bed Linen | 2001 | Janow, Merit E. and Robert W. Staiger “EC – Bed Linen: European Communities – Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Cotton-Type Bed Linen from India,” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 5. Pp. 115-139. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Staiger, Robert W. | Janow, Merit E. |
DS132 DS101 |
Mexico — Corn Syrup DS101 |
2001 | Howse, Robert and Damien J. Neven “Mexico – Corn Syrup: Mexico – Anti-Dumping Investigation of High Fructose Corn Syrup from the United States, Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by United States,” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 6. Pp. 140-154. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Neven, Damien J. | Howse, Robert |
DS189 | Argentina — Ceramic Tiles | 2001 | Howse, Robert and Damien J. Neven “Argentina – Ceramic Tiles: Argentina – Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports of Ceramic Floor Tiles from Italy,” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 7. Pp. 155-169. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Neven, Damien J. | Howse, Robert |
DS138 | US — Lead and Bismuth II | 2001 | Grossman, Gene M. and Petros C. Mavroidis “US – Lead and Bismuth II: United States – Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Certain Hot-Rolled Lead and Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating in the United Kingdom: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Privatization and the Injury Caused by Non-Recurring Subsidies,” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 8. Pp. 170-200. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Grossman, Gene M. | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS194 | US — Export Restraints | 2001 | Janow, Merit E. and Robert W. Staiger “US – Export Restraints: United States – Measures Treating Export Restraints as Subsidies,” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 9. Pp. 201-235. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Staiger, Robert W. | Janow, Merit E. |
DS103 DS113 |
Canada — Dairy Canada — Dairy |
2001 | Janow, Merit E. and Robert W. Staiger “Canada – Dairy: Canada – Measures Affecting the Importation of Dairy Products and the Exportation of Milk,” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 10. Pp. 236-280. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Staiger, Robert W. | Janow, Merit E. |
DS160 | US — Section 110(5) Copyright Act | 2001 | Grossman, Gene M. and Petros C. Mavroidis “US – Section 110(5) Copyright Act: US – Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act, Recourse to Arbitration under Article 21.5 of the DSU: Would’ve or Should’ve? Impaired Benefits due to Copyright Infringement” in The WTO Case Law of 2001: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2003. Ch. 11. Pp. 281-299. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Grossman, Gene M. | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS221 | US — Section 129(c)(1) URAA | 2002 | Bagwell, Kyle and Petros C. Mavroidis “United States – Section 129(c)(1) of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (WTO Doc. WT/DS22/R of 15 July 2002): Beating Around (The) Bush,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. Ch. 2. Pp. 12-35. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Bagwell, Kyle | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS108 | US — FSC | 2002 | Howse, Robert and Damien J. Neven “United States – Tax Treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations” Recourse to Arbitration by the United States Under Article 22.6 of the DSU and Article 4.11 of the SCM Agreement (WT/DS106/ARB): A Comment,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. Ch. 3. Pp. 36-63. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Neven, Damen J. | Howse, Robert |
DS213 | US — Carbon Steel | 2002 | Grossman, Gene M. and Petros C. Mavroidis “United States – Countervailing Duties on Certain Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products from Germany (WTO Doc. WT/DS213/AB/R): The Sounds of Silence,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. 64-77. Ch. 4. Pp. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Grossman, Gene M. | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS212 | US — Countervailing Measures on Certain EC Products | 2002 | Grossman, Gene M. and Petros C. Mavroidis “United States – Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products from the European Communities (WTO Doc. WT/DS212/AB/R): Recurring Misunderstanding of Non-Recurring Subsidies,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. Ch. 5. Pp. 78-87. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Grossman, Gene M. | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS222 | Canada — Aircraft Credits and Guarantees | 2002 | Howse, Robert and Damien J. Neven “Canada – Export Credits and Loan Guarantees for Regional Aircraft (WT/DS222/R): A Comment,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. Ch. 6. Pp. 88-98. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Neven, Damien J. | Howse, Robert |
DS202 | US — Line Pipe | 2002 | Grossman, Gene M. and Petros C. Mavroidis “United States – Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Circular Welded Carbon Quality Line Pipe from Korea,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. Ch. 7. Pp. 99-132. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Grossman, Gene M. | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS207 | Chile — Price Band System | 2002 | Bagwell, Kyle and Alan O. Sykes “Chile—Price Band System and Safeguard Measures Relating to Certain Agricultural Products,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. Ch. 8. Pp. 133-157. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Bagwell, Kyle | Sykes, Alan O. |
DS146 DS175 |
India — Autos India — Autos |
2002 | Bagwell, Kyle and Alan O. Sykes “India – Measures Affecting the Automotive Sector,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. Ch. 9. Pp. 158-178. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Bagwell, Kyle | Sykes, Alan O. |
DS176 | US — Section 211 Appropriations Act | 2002 | Howse, Robert and Damien J. Neven “United States – Section 211 Omnibus Appropriations Act of 1998 (WT/DS176/AB/R): A Comment,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. Ch. 10. Pp. 179-219. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Neven, Damien J. | Howse, Robert |
DS236 |
US – Softwood Lumber | 2002 | Horn, Henrik and Petros C. Mavroidis “United States – Preliminary Determination with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada: What is a Subsidy?,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. Ch. 11. Pp. 220-247. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Horn, Henrik | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS231 | EC — Sardines | 2002 | Horn, Henrik and Joseph H. H. Weiler “European Communities – Trade Description of Sardines: Textualism and its Discontent,” in The WTO Case Law of 2002: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2005. Ch. 12. Pp. 248-275. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Horn, Henrik | Weiler, Joseph H.H. |
DS244 | US — Corrosion-Resistant Steel Sunset Review | 2003 | Howse, Robert and Robert W. Staiger “United States—Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping Duties on Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products From Japan (AB-2003-5, WT/DS244/AB/R): A Legal and Economic Analysis of the Appellate Body Ruling,” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 3. Pp. 31-51. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Staiger, Robert W. | Howse, Robert |
DS136 | US — 1916 Act (EC) | 2003 | Howse, Robert and Robert W. Staiger “United States-Anti-Dumping Act of 1916 (Original Complaint by the European Communities)—Recourse to arbitration by the United States under 22.6 of the DSU, WT/DS136/ARB, 24 February 2004: A Legal and Economic Analysis,” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 10. Pp. 254-310. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Staiger, Robert W. | Howse, Robert |
DS245 | Japan — Apples | 2003 | Neven, Damien J. and Joseph H.H. Weiler “Japan — Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples (AB-2003-4): One Bad Apple?” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 11. Pp. 280-310. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Neven, Damien J. | Weiler, Joseph H.H. |
DS141 | EC — Bed Linen | 2003 | Grossman, Gene M. and Alan O. Sykes “European Communities – Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Cotton-Type Bed Linen from India (AB-2000-13, WT/DS141/AB/R:DSR 2003: III, 965): Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by India,” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 2. Pp. 11-30. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Grossman, Gene M. | Sykes, Alan O. |
DS204 | Mexico — Telecoms | 2003 | Neven, Damien J. and Petros C. Mavroidis “Mexico — Measures Affecting Telecommunications Services (WT/DS204/R): A Comment on “El mess in TELMEX” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 8. Pp. 188-219. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Neven, Damien | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS246 | EC — Tariff Preferences | 2003 | Grossman, Gene M. and Alan O. Sykes “European Communities – Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries (WT/DS246/AB/R),” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 9. Pp. 220-253. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Grossman, Gene M. | Sykes, Alan O. |
DS259 DS252 DS248 DS249 DS251 DS258 DS254 DS253 |
US — Steel Safeguards US — Steel Safeguards US — Steel Safeguards US — Steel Safeguards US — Steel Safeguards US — Steel Safeguards US — Steel Safeguards US — Steel Safeguards |
2003 | Grossman, Gene M. and Alan O. Sykes “United States – Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Certain Steel Products (WT/DS259; WT/DS252; WT/DS248; WT/DS249; WT/DS251; WT/DS258; WT/DS254; WT/DS253: DSR 2003:VIII, 3117),” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 7. Pp. 146-187. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Grossman, Gene M. | Sykes, Alan O. |
DS217 | US — Offset Act (Byrd Amendment) | 2003 | Horn, Henrik and Petros C. Mavroidis “United States – Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act Of 2000 (WT/DS217/AB/R: DSR 2003:I,375),” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 4. Pp. 52-86. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Horn, Henrik | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS257 | US — Softwood Lumber IV | 2003 | Horn, Henrik and Petros C. Mavroidis “United States – Final Determination with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada (AB-2003-6, WT/DS257/AB/R),” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 6. Pp. 130-145. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Horn, Henrik | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS219 | EC — Tube or Pipe Fittings |
2003 | Horn, Henrik and Petros C. Mavroidis “European Community—Antidumping Duties on Malleable Cast Iron Tube or Pipe Fittings from Brazil (WT/DS219/AB/R: DSR 2003:VI, 2613),” in The WTO Case Law of 2003: The American Law Institute Reporters’ Studies. 2006. Ch. 5. Pp. 87-129. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. | ALI | Horn, Henrik | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS264 | US — Softwood Lumber V | 2004-2005 | Bown, Chad P. and Alan O. Sykes “The Zeroing Issue: a critical analysis of Softwood V” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 121-142. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Bown, Chad P. and Alan O. Sykes (2008) “The Zeroing Issue: a critical analysis of Softwood V,” World Trade Review v7, n1: 121-142. |
WTR | Bown, Chad P. | Sykes, Alan O. |
DS283 DS266 DS265 |
EC — Export Subsidies on Sugar (complainant: Thailand) EC — Export Subsidies on Sugar (complainant: Brazil) EC — Export Subsidies on Sugar (complainant: Australia) |
2004-2005 | Hoekman, Bernard and Robert Howse “EC—Sugar,” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 149-178. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Hoekman, Bernard and Robert Howse (2008) “EC—Sugar,” World Trade Review v7, n1: 149-178. |
WTR | Hoekman, Bernard | Howse, Robert L. |
DS267 | US — Upland Cotton | 2004-2005 | Sapir, Andre and Joel P. Trachtman “Subsidization, price suppression, and expertise: causation and precision in Upland Cotton,” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 183-210. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Sapir, Andre and Joel P. Trachtman (2008) “Subsidization, price suppression, and expertise: causation and precision in Upland Cotton,” World Trade Review v7, n1: 183-209. |
WTR | Sapir, André | Trachtman, Joel |
DS268 | US — Oil Country Tubular Goods Sunset Reviews | 2004-2005 | Grossman, Gene M. and Jasper Wauters “United States – Sunset Reviews of Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina: a cloudy sunset,” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 235-264. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Grossman, Gene M. and Jasper Wauters (2008) “United States – Sunset Reviews of Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina: a cloudy sunset” |
WTR | Grossman, Gene | Wauters, Jasper-Martijn |
DS269 DS286 |
EC — Chicken Cuts (complainant: Brazil) EC — Chicken Cuts (complainant: Thailand) |
2004-2005 | Horn, Henrik and Robert L. Howse “European Communities – Customs Classification of Frozen Boneless Chicken Cuts,” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 9-38. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Horn, Henrik and Robert L. Howse (2008) “European Communities – Customs Classification of Frozen Boneless Chicken Cuts,” World Trade Review v7, n1: 9-38. |
WTR | Horn, Henrik | Howse, Robert L. |
DS276 | Canada — Wheat Exports and Grain Imports | 2004-2005 | Hoekman, Bernard and Joel P. Trachtman “Canada—Wheat: discrimination, non-commercial considerations, and the right to regulate through state trading enterprises,” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 45-66. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Hoekman, Bernard and Joel P. Trachtman (2008) “Canada—Wheat: discrimination, non-commercial considerations, and the right to regulate through state trading enterprises,” World Trade Review v7, n1: 45-66. |
WTR | Hoekman, Bernard | Trachtman, Joel |
DS282 | US — Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods | 2004-2005 | Bown, Chad P. and Jasper Wauters “United States – Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) from Mexico: a legal-economic assessment of sunset reviews,” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 269-298. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Bown, Chad P. and Jasper Wauters (2008) “United States – Anti-Dumping Measures on Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) from Mexico: a legal-economic assessment of sunset reviews,” World Trade Review v7, n1: 269-298. |
WTR | Bown, Chad P. | Wauters, Jasper-Martijn |
DS285 | US — Gambling | 2004-2005 | Irwin, Douglas A. and Joseph Weiler “Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services,” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 71-114. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Irwin, Douglas A. and Joseph Weiler (2008) “Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services (DS 285),” World Trade Review v7, n1: 71-113. |
WTR | Irwin, Doug | Weiler, Joseph H.H. |
DS295 | Mexico — Anti-Dumping Measures on Rice | 2004-2005 | Mavroidis, Petros C. and André Sapir “Mexico – Antidumping Measures on Rice,” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 305-324. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Mavroidis, Petros C. and André Sapir (2008) “Mexico – Antidumping Measures on Rice,” World Trade Review v7, n1: 305-323 |
WTR | Sapir, André | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS296 | US — Countervailing Duty Investigation on DRAMs | 2004-2005 | François, Joseph F. and David Palmeter “US—Countervailing Duty Investigation of DRAMS,” in The WTO Case Law of 2004-2005: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2008. 219-230. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. François, Joseph F. and David Palmeter (2008) “US—Countervailing Duty Investigation of DRAMS,” World Trade Review v7, n1: 219-229. |
WTR | François, Joseph | Palmeter, David |
DS291 DS292 DS293 |
EC — Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products (complainant: US) EC — Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products (complainant: Canada) EC — Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products (complainant: Argentina) |
2006-2007 | Howse, Robert L. and Henrik Horn “European Communities – Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products,” in The WTO Case Law of 2006-2007: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2009. 49-84. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Howse, Robert L. and Henrik Horn (2009) “European Communities—Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products,” World Trade Review v8, n1: 49-83. |
WTR | Horn, Henrik | Howse, Robert L. |
DS308 | Mexico — Taxes on Soft Drinks | 2006-2007 | Davey, William J. and André Sapir “The Soft Drinks Case: The WTO and Regional Agreements,” in The WTO Case Law of 2006-2007: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2009. 5-24. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Davey, William J. and André Sapir (2009) “The Soft Drinks Case: The WTO and Regional Agreements,” World Trade Review v8, n1: 5-23. |
WTR | Sapir, André | Davey, William J. |
DS315 | EC — Selected Customs Matters | 2006-2007 | Hoekman, Bernard and Petros C. Mavroidis “Nothing Dramatic (…regarding administration of customs laws). A Comment on the WTO Appellate Body Report EC – Selected Customs Matters,” in The WTO Case Law of 2006-2007: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2009. 31-44. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Hoekman, Bernard and Petros C. Mavroidis (2009) “Nothing Dramatic (…regarding administration of customs laws),” World Trade Review v8, n1: 31-44. |
WTR | Hoekman, Bernard | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS322 DS294 |
US — Zeroing (Japan) US — Zeroing (EC) |
2006-2007 | Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst “A One-Two Punch on Zeroing: US—Zeroing (EC) and US—Zeroing (Japan),” in The WTO Case Law of 2006-2007: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2009. 187-242. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst (2009) “A One-Two Punch on Zeroing: US—Zeroing (EC) and US—Zeroing (Japan),” World Trade Review v8, n1: 187-241. |
WTR | Prusa, Thomas J. | Vermulst, Edwin |
DS336 | Japan — DRAMs (Korea) | 2006-2007 | Crowley, Meredith A. and David Palmeter “Japan – Countervailing Duties on Dynamic Random Access Memories from Korea (DS 336 and Corr. 1, adopted 17 December 2007),” in The WTO Case Law of 2006-2007: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2009. 259-272. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Crowley, Meredith A. and David Palmeter (2009) “Japan – Countervailing Duties on Dynamic Random Access Memories from Korea (DS 336 and Corr. 1, adopted 17 December 2007),” World Trade Review v8, n1: 259-272. |
WTR | Crowley, Meredith | Palmeter, David |
DS332 | Brazil — Retreaded Tyres | 2006-2007 | Bown, Chad P. and Joel P. Trachtman “Brazil – Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres: A Balancing Act,” in The WTO Case Law of 2006-2007: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2009. 85-136. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Bown, Chad P. and Joel P. Trachtman (2009) “Brazil – Measures Affecting Imports of Retreaded Tyres: A Balancing Act,” World Trade Review v8, n1: 85-135. |
WTR | Bown, Chad P. | Trachtman, Joel |
DS334 | Turkey — Rice | 2006-2007 | Gantz, David A. and Simon A. B. Schropp “Rice Age: Comments on the Panel Report in Turkey – Measures Affecting the Importation of Rice,” in The WTO Case Law of 2006-2007: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2009. 145-178. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Gantz, David A. and Simon A. B. Schropp (2009) “Rice Age: Comments on the Panel Report in Turkey – Measures Affecting the Importation of Rice,” World Trade Review v8, n1: 145-177 |
WTR | Schropp, Simon A.B. | Gantz, David |
DS27 | EC — Bananas III | 2008 | Schropp, Simon and David Palmeter “Appellate Body Report in EC – Bananas III: waiver-thin, or lock, stock and metric ton?” in The WTO Case Law of 2008: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2010. 7-58. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Schropp, Simon and David Palmeter (2010) “Commentary on the Appellate Body Report in EC—Bananas III (Article 21.5): waiver-thin, or lock, stock, and metric ton?” World Trade Review v9, n1: 7-57. |
WTR | Schropp, Simon A.B. | Palmeter, David |
DS343 DS345 |
US — Shrimp (Thailand) US — Customs Bond Directive |
2008 | Prusa, Thomas and Edwin Vermulst “Guilt by association: US – Measures Relating to Shrimp from Thailand and US – Customs Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duties,” in The WTO Case Law of 2008: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2010. 59-84. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Prusa, Thomas and Edwin Vermulst (2010) “Guilt by association: US – Measures Relating to Shrimp from Thailand and US – Customs Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duties,” World Trade Review v9, n1: 59-84. |
WTR | Prusa, Thomas | Vermulst, Edwin |
DS341 | Mexico — Olive Oil | 2008 | Bown, Chad and Niall Meagher “Mexico – Olive Oil: Remedy without a cause?” in The WTO Case Law of 2008: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2010. 85-116. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Bown, Chad and Niall Meagher (2010) “Mexico—Olive Oil: Remedy without a cause?” World Trade Review v9, n1: 85-116. |
WTR | Bown, Chad P. | Meagher, Niall |
DS344 | US — Stainless Steel (Mexico) | 2008 | Crowley, Meredith and Robert Howse “US – Stainless Steel (Mexico),” in The WTO Case Law of 2008: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2010. 117-150. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Crowley, Meredith and Robert Howse (2010) “US – Stainless Steel (Mexico),” World Trade Review v9, n1: 117-150. |
WTR | Crowley, Meredith | Howse, Robert L. |
DS320 DS321 |
US — Continued Suspension Canada — Continued Suspension |
2008 | Hoekman, Bernard and Joel Trachtman “Continued Suspense: EC – Hormones and WTO Disciplines on Discrimination and Domestic Regulation,” in The WTO Case Law of 2008: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2010. 151-180. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Hoekman, Bernard and Joel Trachtman (2010) “Continued suspense: EC—Hormones and WTO disciplines on discrimination and domestic regulation Appellate Body Reports: Canada/United States – Continued Suspension of Obligations in the EC – Hormones Dispute, WT/DS320/AB/R,WT/DS321/AB/R, adopted 14 November 2008,” World Trade Review v9, n1: 151-180. |
WTR | Hoekman, Bernard | Trachtman, Joel |
DS267 | US — Upland Cotton | 2008 | Davey, William and André Sapir “United States – Subsidies on Upland Cotton Recourse to Article 21.5 by Brazil,” in The WTO Case Law of 2008: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2010. 181-200. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Davey, William and André Sapir (2010) “United States – Subsidies on Upland Cotton Recourse to Article 21.5 by Brazil, WT/DS267/AB/RW (2 June 2008),” World Trade Review v9, n1: 181-199. |
WTR | Sapir, André | Davey, William |
DS342 | China — Auto Parts | 2008 | Wauters, Jasper-Martijn and Hylke Vandenbussche “China – Measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts,” in The WTO Case Law of 2008: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2010. 201-239. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Wauters, Jasper-Martijn and Hylke Vandenbussche (2010) “China – Measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts,” World Trade Review v9, n1: 201-238. |
WTR | Vandenbussche, Hylke | Wauters, Jasper-Martijn |
DS360 | India — Additional Import Duties | 2008 | Conconi, Paola and Jan Wouters “India – Additional and Extra-Additional Duties on Imports from the United States,” in The WTO Case Law of 2008: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2010. 239-264. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Conconi, Paola and Jan Wouters (2010) “Appellate Body Report, India – Additional and Extra-Additional Duties on Imports from the United States (WT/DS360/AB/R, adopted on 17 November 2008),” World Trade Review v9, n1: 239-263. |
WTR | Conconi, Paola | Wouters, Jan |
DS360 | India — Additional Import Duties | 2008 | Roessler, Frieder “Comment: India – Additional and Extra-Additional Duties on Imports from the United States,” in The WTO Case Law of 2008: The American Law Institute Legal and Economic Analysis. 2010. 265-272. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (eds). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Roessler, Frieder (2010) “India – Additional and Extra-Additional Duties on Imports from the United States,” World Trade Review v9, n1: 265-272. |
WTR | Roessler, Frieder | |
DS294 DS322 |
United States–Zeroing (EC) United States–Zeroing (Japan) |
2009 | Hoekman, Bernard and Jasper-Martijn Wauters (2011) “US Compliance with WTO Rulings on Zeroing in Anti-Dumping,” World Trade Review v10, n1: 5-43. | WTR | Hoekman, Bernard | Wauters, Jasper-Martijn |
DS350 | US — Continued Zeroing | 2009 | Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst (2011) “United States – Continued Existence and Application of Zeroing Methodology: The End of Zeroing?” World Trade Review v10, n1: 45-61. | WTR | Prusa, Thomas | Vermulst, Edwin |
DS362 | China — Intellectual Property Rights | 2009 | Saggi, Kamal and Joel Trachtman (2011) “Incomplete Harmonization Contracts in International Economic Law: Report of the Panel, China – Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, WT/DS362/R, adopted 20 March 2009,” World Trade Review v10, n1: 63-86. | WTR | Saggi, Kamal | Trachtman, Joel |
DS363 | China — Publications and Audiovisual Products | 2009 | Conconi, Paola and Joost Pauwelyn (2011) “Trading Cultures: Appellate Body Report on China—Audiovisuals (WT/DS363/AB/R, adopted 19 January 2010),” World Trade Review v10, n1: 95-118. | WTR | Conconi, Paola | Pauwelyn, Joost |
DS267 | US — Upland Cotton | 2009 | Grossman, Gene M. and Alan O. Sykes (2011) “’Optimal’ Retaliation in the WTO – a commentary on the Upland Cotton Arbitration,” World Trade Review v10, n1: 133-164. | WTR | Grossman, Gene M. | Sykes, Alan O. |
DS367 | Australia — Apples | 2010 | Schropp, Simon A.B. (2012) “Commentary on the Appellate Body Report in Australia—Apples (DS367): judicial review in the face of uncertainty,” World Trade Review v11, n2: 171-221. | WTR | Schropp, Simon A.B. | |
DS375 DS376 DS377 |
EC — IT Products (complainant: US) EC — IT Products (complainant: Japan) EC — IT Products (complainant: Chinese Taipei) |
2010 | Conconi, Paola and Robert L. Howse (2012) “Panel Report on EC – IT Products,” World Trade Review v11, n2: 223-255. | WTR | Conconi, Paola | Howse, Robert L. |
DS383 | US — Anti-Dumping Measures on PET Bags | 2010 | Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst (2012) “United States – Anti-Dumping Measures on Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags from Thailand: a cat in the bag,” World Trade Review v11, n2: 257-271. | WTR | Prusa, Thomas J. | Vermulst, Edwin |
DS392 | US — Poultry (China) | 2010 | Regan, Donald H. (2012) “United States – Certain Measures Affecting Imports of Poultry from China: The fascinating case that wasn’t,” World Trade Review v11, n2: 273-305. | WTR | Regan, Donald H. | |
DS392 | US — Poultry (China) | 2010 | Bohanes, Jan (2012) “United States – Certain measures affecting imports of poultry from China: the fascinating case that wasn’t,” World Trade Review v11, n2: 307-325. | WTR | Bohanes, Jan | |
DS316 DS347 |
EC and certain member States — Large Civil Aircraft EC and certain member States — Large Civil Aircraft (2nd complaint) |
2011 | Hahn, Michael and Kirtikumar Mehta (2013) “It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane: Some Remarks on the Airbus Appellate Body Report (EC and Certain Member States — Large Civil Aircraft, WT/DS316/AB/R),” World Trade Review v12, n2: 139-161. | WTR | Mehta, Kirtikumar | Hahn, Michael |
DS371 | Thailand-Cigarettes (Philippines) | 2011 | Davey, William J. and Keith E. Maskus (2013) “Thailand–Cigarettes (Philippines): A More Serious Role for the ‘Less Favourable Treatment’ Standard of Article III:4,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 163-193. | WTR | Maskus, Keith E. | Davey, William J. |
DS379 | US — Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties (China) | 2011 | Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst (2013) “United States — Definitive Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China: Passing the Buck on Pass-Through,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 197-234. | WTR | Prusa, Thomas J. | Vermulst, Edwin |
DS 379 Related case: DS449 |
US — Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties (China) Related but not the same case: US — Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Measures (China) |
2011 | Pauwelyn, Joost (2013) “Treaty Interpretation or Activism? Comment on the AB Report on United States – Ads and CVDs on Certain Products from China,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 235-241. | WTR | Pauwelyn, Joost | |
DS397 | EC – Fasteners (China) |
2011 | Bown, Chad P. and Petros C. Mavroidis (2013) “One (Firm) Is Not Enough: A Legal-Economic Analysis of EC – Fasteners,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 243-271. | WTR | Bown, Chad P. | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS399 | US — Tyres (China) | 2011 | Charnovitz, Steve and Bernard Hoekman (2013) “US–Tyres: Upholding a WTO Accession Contract — Imposing Pain for Little Gain,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 273-296. | WTR | Hoekman, Bernard | Charnovitz, Steve |
DS396 DS403 |
Philippines — Distilled Spirits Philippines — Distilled Spirits (not cited in paper but looks related: Ukraine — Distilled Spirits ) |
2011 | Neven, Damien and Joel P. Trachtman (2013) “Philippines — Taxes on Distilled Spirits: Like Products and Market Definition,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 297-326. | WTR | Neven, Damien | Trachtman, Joel P. |
DS406 DS381 DS384 DS386 |
US — Clove Cigarettes US–Tuna US — COOL US — COOL |
2011 | Howse, Robert and Philip I. Levy (2013) “The TBT Panels: US—Cloves, US—Tuna, US—COOL,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 327-375. | WTR | Levy, Philip I. | Howse, Robert |
DS382 | US–Orange Juice (Brazil) | 2011 | Saggi, Kamal and Mark Wu (2013) “Yet Another Nail in the Coffin of Zeroing: United States – Anti-Dumping Administrative Reviews and Other Measures Related to Imports of Certain Orange Juice from Brazil,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 377-408. | WTR | Saggi, Kamal | Wu, Mark |
DS402 | US–Zeroing (Korea) | 2011 | Prusa, Thomas J. and Luca Rubini (2013) “United States — Use of Zeroing in Anti-Dumping Measures Involving Products from Korea: It’s déjà vu all over again,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 409-425. | WTR | Prusa, Thomas J. | Rubini, Luca |
DS402 | US–Zeroing (Korea) | 2011 | Huerta-Goldman, Jorge A. (2013) “How Easy Is an Easy Case for a Complainant? Comment on US–Zeroing (Korea) DS402,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 427-431. | WTR | Huerta-Goldman, Jorge A. | |
DS404 | US — Shrimp (Viet Nam) | 2011 | Broude, Tomer and Michael Moore (2013) “US – Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Shrimp from Viet Nam: A Stir-Fry of Seafood, Statistics, and Lacunae,” World Trade Review v12, n2: 433-462. | WTR | Moore, Michael O. | Broude, Tomer |
DS405 | EU–Footwear | 2012 | Dunoff, Jeffrey L and Michael O. Moore (2014) “Footloose and duty-free? Reflections on European Union – Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Footwear from China,” World Trade Review v13, n2: 149-178. | WTR | Moore, Michael O. | Dunoff, Jeffrey L. |
DS415, DS416, DS417, DS418 | Dominican Republic – Safeguard Measures | 2012 | Bown, Chad P. and Mark Wu (2014) “Safeguards and the Perils of Preferential Trade Agreements: Dominican Republic – Safeguard Measures,” World Trade Review v13, n2: 179-227. | WTR | Bown, Chad P. | Wu, Mark |
DS414 | China — GOES | 2012 | Prusa, Thomas J. and Edwin Vermulst (2014) “China — Countervailing and Anti-dumping Duties on Grain Oriented Flat-rolled Electrical Steel from the United States: exporting US AD/CVD methodologies through WTO dispute settlement?” World Trade Review v13, n2: 229-266. | WTR | Prusa, Thomas J. | Vermulst, Edwin |
DS422 | US — Shrimp and Sawblades | 2012 | Ahn, Dukgeun and Patrick Messerlin (2014) “United States — Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Shrimp and Diamond Sawblades from China: never ending zeroing in the WTO?” World Trade Review v13, n2: 267-279. | WTR | Messerlin, Patrick | Ahn, Dukgeun |
DS353 & DS317 |
US — Large Civil Aircraft (2nd complaint) & US — Large Civil Aircraft |
2012 | Nevens, Damien and Alan O. Sykes (2014) “United States — Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft (Second Complaint): some comments,” World Trade Review v13, n2: 281-298. | WTR | Neven, Damien | Sykes, Alan O. |
DS384 | US — COOL | 2012 | Mavroidis, Petros C. and Kamal Saggi (2014) “What is not so Cool about US–COOL Regulations? A critical analysis of the Appellate Body’s ruling on US—COOL,” World Trade Review v13, n2: 299-320. | WTR | Saggi, Kamal | Mavroidis, Petros C. |
DS381 | Tuna–Dolphin II | 2012 | Crowley, Meredith A. and Robert Howse (2014) “Tuna–Dolphin II: a legal and economic Analysis of the Appellate Body Report,” World Trade Review v13, n2: 321-355. | WTR | Crowley, Meredith A. | Howse, Robert |
DS406 | US — Clove Cigarettes | 2012 | Broude, Tomer and Philip I. Levy (2014) “Do you mind if I don’t smoke? Products, purpose and indeterminacy in US — Measures Affecting the Production and Sale of Clove Cigarettes,” World Trade Review v13, n2: 357-392. | WTR | Levy, Philip I. | Broude, Tomer |
DS394 DS395 DS398 |
China — Raw Materials China — Raw Materials China — Raw Materials |
2012 | Bronckers, Marco and Keith E. Maskus (2014) “China–Raw Materials: A controversial step towards evenhanded exploitation of natural resources,” World Trade Review v13, n2: 393-408. | WTR | Maskus, Keith E. | Bronckers, Marco |
DS413 | China — Electronic Payment Services | 2012 | Hoekman, Bernard and Niall Meagher (2014) “China — Electronic Payment Services: discrimination, economic development and the GATS,” World Trade Review v13, n2: 409-442. | WTR | Hoekman, Bernard | Meagher, Niall |
DS412 | Canada–Renewable Energy |
2013 |
CHARNOVITZ, S., & FISCHER, C. (2015). Canada–Renewable Energy: Implications for WTO Law on Green and Not-So-Green Subsidies. World Trade Review, 14(2), 177-210. | WTR | Carolyn Fischer | Steve Charnovitz |
DS412 | Canada–Renewable Energy | 2013 | RUBINI, L. (2015). ‘The wide and the narrow gate’: Benchmarking in the SCM Agreement after the Canada–Renewable Energy/FIT Ruling. World Trade Review,14(2), 211-237. | WTR | Luca Rubini | |
DS425 | China–X-Ray Equipment | 2013 | MOORE, M., & WU, M. (2015). Antidumping and Strategic Industrial Policy: Tit-for-Tat Trade Remedies and the China–X-Ray Equipment Dispute. World Trade Review, 14(2), 239-286. | WTR | Michael O. Moore | Mark Wu |
DS427 | China – Broiler Products | 2013 | PRUSA, T., & VERMULST, E. (2015). China – Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Measures on Broiler Products from the United States: How the chickens came home to roost. World Trade Review, 14(2), 287-335. | WTR | Thomas J. Prusa | Edwin Vermulst |
DS400, DS401 | EC–Seal Products | 2013 | LEVY, P., & REGAN, D. (2015). EC–Seal Products: Seals and Sensibilities (TBT Aspects of the Panel and Appellate Body Reports). World Trade Review, 14(2), 337-379. | WTR | Philip I. Levy | Donald H. Regan |
DS436 | US-Carbon Steel (India) | 2014 | SPEAROT, A., & AHN, D. (2016). US‒Carbon Steel (India): Multi-Product Firms and the Cumulation of Products. World Trade Review,15(2), 351-373. | WTR | Alan Spearot | Dukgeun Ahn |
DS400, DS401 | EC–Seal Products | 2014 | CONCONI, P., & VOON, T. (2016). EC–Seal Products: The Tension between Public Morals and International Trade Agreements. World Trade Review, 15(2), 211-234. | WTR | Paola Conconi | Tania Voon |
DS457 | Peru – Agricultural Products | 2014 | SAGGI, K., & WU, M. (2016). Understanding Agricultural Price Range Systems as Trade Restraints: Peru–Agricultural Products. World Trade Review, 15(2), 259-286. | WTR | Kamal Saggi | Mark Wu |
DS440 | China-Autos | 2014 | MITCHELL, A., & PRUSA, T. (2016). China–Autos: Haven’t We Danced this Dance Before? World Trade Review, 15(2), 303-325. | WTR | Thomas J. Prusa | Andrew Mitchell |
DS449 | US – Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Measures (China) | 2014 | BESHKAR, M., & CHILTON, A. (2016). Revisiting Procedure and Precedent in the WTO: An Analysis of US – Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Measures (China). World Trade Review,15(2), 375-395. | WTR | Mostafa Beshkar | Adam S. Chilton |
DS431, DS432, DS433 | China–Rare Earths | 2014 | BOND, E., & TRACHTMAN, J. (2016). China–Rare Earths: Export Restrictions and the Limits of Textual Interpretation. World Trade Review, 15(2), 189-209. | WTR | Eric W. Bond | Joel P. Trachtman |
DS430 | India – Agricultural Products | 2014 | BOWN, C., & HILLMAN, J. (2016). Bird Flu, the OIE, and National Regulation: The WTO’s India–Agricultural Products Dispute. World Trade Review, 15(2), 235-257. | WTR | Chad P. Bown | Jennifer A. Hillman |
DS437 | US – Countervailing Measures (China) | 2014 | BREWSTER, R., BRUNEL, C., & MAYDA, A. (2016). Trade in Environmental Goods: A Review of the WTO Appellate Body’s Ruling in US‒Countervailing Measures (China). World Trade Review, 15(2), 327-349. | WTR | Claire Brunel and Anna Maria Mayda |
Rachel Brewster |
DS429 | US-Shrimp II (Viet Nam) | 2014 | HARTIGAN, J. (2016). It’s Baaaack: Zeroing, the US Department of Commerce, and US‒Shrimp II (Viet Nam). World Trade Review,15(2), 287-302. | WTR | James C. Hartigan | |
DS454,DS460 | China — HP-SSST (Japan) China — HP-SSST (EU) |
2015 | AHN, D., & ZANARDI, M. (2017). China–HP-SSST: Last Part of Growing Pains? World Trade Review, 16(2), 159-181. | WTR | Maurizio Zanardi | Dukgeun Ahn |
DS414 | China — GOES | 2015 | QIN, J., & VANDENBUSSCHE, H. (2017). China–GOES (Article 21.5): Time to Clarify the Standard for Price Suppression and Price Depression in AD/CVD Investigations. World Trade Review, 16(2), 203-226. | WTR | Hylke Vandenbussche | Julia Qin |
DS429 | US — Shrimp II (Viet Nam) | 2015 | ZISSIMOS, B., & WOUTERS, J. (2017). US–Shrimp II (Vietnam): Dubious Application of Anti-Dumping Duties – Should Have Used Safeguards. World Trade Review, 16(2), 183-201. | WTR | Ben Zissimos | Jan Wouters |
DS468 | Ukraine — Passenger Cars | 2015 | GNUTZMANN-MKRTCHYAN, A., & LESTER, S. (2017). Does Safeguards Need Saving? Lessons from the Ukraine–Passenger Cars Dispute. World Trade Review, 16(2), 227-251. | WTR | Arevik Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan | Simon Lester |
DS447 | US — Animals | 2015 | BOWN, C., & HILLMAN, J. (2017). Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Argentina’s Beef Exports: The WTO’s US–Animals Dispute. World Trade Review, 16(2), 253-277. | WTR | Chad P. Bown | Jennifer A. Hillman |
DS438, DS444, DS445 | Argentina — Import Measures Argentina — Import Measures Argentina — Import Measures |
2015 | CONCONI, P., & SCHEPEL, H. (2017). Argentina–Import Measures: How a Porsche is worth Peanuts. World Trade Review, 16(2), 349-369. | WTR | Paola ConconiHarm Schepel | |
DS457 | Peru — Agricultural Products | 2015 | SHAFFER, G., & WINTERS, L. (2017). FTA Law in WTO Dispute Settlement: Peru–Additional Duty and the Fragmentation of Trade Law. World Trade Review, 16(2), 303-326. | WTR | L. Alan Winters | Gregory C. Shaffer |
DS381 | US — Tuna II (Mexico) | 2015 | COGLIANESE, C., & SAPIR, A. (2017). Risk and Regulatory Calibration: WTO Compliance Review of the US Dolphin–Safe Tuna Labeling Regime. World Trade Review, 16(2), 327-348. | WTR | André Sapir | Cary Coglianese |
DS430 | India — Agricultural Products | 2015 | SAGGI, K., & WU, M. (2017). Trade and Agricultural Disease: Import Restrictions in the Wake of the India–Agricultural Products Dispute. World Trade Review, 16(2), 279-302. | WTR | Kamal Saggi | Mark Wu |
DS384, DS386 | US — COOL US — COOL |
2015 | BOWN, C., & BREWSTER, R. (2017). US–COOL Retaliation: The WTO’s Article 22.6 Arbitration. World Trade Review, 16(2), 371-394. | WTR | Chad P. Bown | Rachel Brewster |
DS453 | Argentina — Financial Services | 2016 | DELIMATSIS, P., & HOEKMAN, H. (2017) National Tax Regulation, International Standards and the GATS: Argentina-Financial Services, Working Papers | EUI | Bernard Hoekman | Panagiotis Delimatsis |
DS473 | EU — Biodiesel (Argentina) | 2016 | CROWLEY, M. & HILLMAN, J.A. (2017)Slamming the door on trade policy discretion? The WTO Appellate Body’s ruling on market distortions and production costs in EU—Biodiesel (Argentina), Working Papers | EUI | Meredith A. Crowley | Jennifer A. Hillman |
DS456 | India — Solar Cells | 2016 | KARTTUNEN, M., & MOORE, M. (2018). India–Solar Cells: Trade Rules, Climate Policy, and Sustainable Development Goals. World Trade Review, 17(2), 215-237. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000647 | EUI | Moore, Michael O. | Karttunen, Marianna |
DS464 | US — Washing Machines | 2016 | MAVROIDIS, P., & PRUSA, T. (2018). Die Another Day: Zeroing in on Targeted Dumping – Did the AB Hit the Mark in US–Washing Machines? World Trade Review, 17(2), 239-264. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000611 | EUI | Prusa, Thomas J. | Mavroidis, Petros. C. |
DS485 | Russia — Tariff Treatment | 2016 | REYNOLDS, K., & RIGOD, B. (2018). Russia–Tariff Treatment: Identifying Systematic Violations of WTO Law. World Trade Review, 17(2), 291-312. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000659 | EUI | Reynolds, Kara M.s | Rigod, Boris |
DS397 | EC — Fasteners (China) | 2016 | ESPA, I., & LEVY, P. (2018). The Analogue Method Comes Unfastened – The Awkward Space between Market and Non-Market Economies in EC–Fasteners (Article 21.5). World Trade Review, 17(2), 313-334. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000593 | EUI | Levy, Philip I. | Espa, Ilaria |
DS461 | Colombia — Textiles | 2016 | FRANCOIS, J., & WHITTAKER, J. (2018). Colombia – Measures Relating to the Importation of Textiles, Apparel and Footwear (DS461). World Trade Review, 17(2), 335-352. doi:10.1017/S1474745617000623 | EUI | Francois, Joseph | Whittaker, Janet |
DS475 | Russia — Pigs (EU) | 2017 | BLANCHARD, E., & WU, M. (2019). Externalities and Agricultural Import Bans: Evaluating Regionalization Measures in Light of the Russia–Pigs Dispute. World Trade Review, 18(2), 173-195. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000016 | WTR | Blanchard, Emily | Wu, Mark |
DS477 | Indonesia — Import Licensing Regimes | 2017 | AHN, D., & GNUTZMANN-MKRTCHYAN, A. (2019). Indonesia–Import Licensing Regimes: GATT Rules for Agricultural Trade? World Trade Review, 18(2), 197-218. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000119 | WTR | Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan, Arevik | Ahn, Dukgeun |
DS484 | Indonesia — Chicken | 2017 | RIGOD, B., & TOVAR, P. (2019). Indonesia–Chicken: Tensions between International Trade and Domestic Food Policies? World Trade Review, 18(2), 219-243. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000028 | WTR | Tovar, Patricia | Rigod, Boris |
DS442 | EU — Fatty Alcohols (Indonesia) | 2017 | HAKOBYAN, S., & TRACHTMAN, J. (2019). EU–Fatty Alcohols (Indonesia): Corporate Structure, Transfer Pricing, and Dumping. World Trade Review, 18(2), 245-261. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000065 | WTR | Hakobyan, Shushanik | Trachtman, Joel P. |
DS483 | China–Cellulose Pulp | 2017 | REYNOLDS, K., & YANGUAS, T. (2019). China–Cellulose Pulp: China’s Quest to Satisfy WTO Panels and the Appellate Body. World Trade Review, 18(2), 263-285. doi:10.1017/S147474561900003X | WTR | Reynolds, Kara M.s | Yanguas, Tatiana |
DS471 | US — Anti-Dumping Methodologies (China) | 2017 | PRUSA, T., & VERMULST, E. (2019). United States – Certain Methodologies and Their Application to Anti-Dumping Proceedings Involving China: Nails in the Coffin of Unfair Dumping Margin Calculation Methodologies. World Trade Review, 18(2), 287-307. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000053 | WTR | Prusa, Thomas J. | Vermulst, Edwin. A. |
DS492 | EU–Poultry Meat (China) | 2017 | DEREMER, D., & ORTINO, F. (2019). Getting Your Ducks in a Row: The Case for More Inclusive Renegotiations in EU–Poultry Meat (China). World Trade Review, 18(2), 309-326. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000090 | WTR | Deremer, David R. | Ortino, Federico |
DS487 | US–Tax Incentives | 2017 | BUZARD, K., & DELIMATSIS, P. (2019). Subsidies and Investment Promotion Reaching New Heights in the Aviation Sector: The US–Tax Incentives Dispute. World Trade Review, 18(2), 327-351. doi:10.1017/S1474745619000107 | WTR | Buzard, Kristy | Delimatsis, Panagiotis |
DS486 | EU-PET Pakistan AB Report | 2018 | GNUTZMANN-MKRTCHYAN, Arevik, , VAN DAMME, Isabelle, Expired measures, excess duty drawbacks and causation : the Appellate Body report in EU – PET (Pakistan), EUI RSCAS, 2019/81, Global Governance Programme-370, [Global Economics] | EUI | Gnutzmann-Mkrtchyan, Arevik | Van Damme, Isabelle |
DS427 | China – Broiler Products | 2018 | ALCOVER, Maria, , CROWLEY, Meredith A., China – Broiler Products (Article 21.5 – United States) (DS427) : can the sum of the parts be less than the whole?, EUI RSCAS, 2019/71, Global Governance Programme-362, [Global Economics] | EUI | Crowley, Meredith | Alcover, Maria |
DS496 | Indonesia – Iron or Steel Products AB Report | 2018 | PRUSA, Thomas J., VERMULST, Edwin, Indonesia – safeguard on certain iron or steel products : if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is not a duck, EUI RSCAS, 2019/83, Global Governance Programme-372, Global Economics | EUI | Prusa, Thomas J. | Vermulst, Edwin. A. |
DS467 | Australia – Tobacco Plain Packaging | 2018 | BUZARD, Kristy, VOON, Tania, How trade-restrictive is standardised packaging? : economic and legal implications of the WTO panel reports in Australia : tobacco plain packaging, EUI RSCAS, 2019/72, Global Governance Programme-363, [Global Economics] | EUI | Buzard, Kristy | Voon, Tania |
DS472 | Brazil – Taxation AB Report (EU) | 2018 | ORNELAS, Emanuel, , PUCCIO, Laura, Reopening pandora’s box in search of a WTO-compatible industrial policy? : The Brazil – taxation dispute, EUI RSCAS, 2019/82, Global Governance Programme-371, Global Economics | EUI | Ornelas, Emanuel | Puccio, Laura |
DS316 | EC – Aircraft, Article 21.5 AB Report | 2018 | CRIVELLI, Pramila, , RUBINI, Luca, “Flying high in a plane” appellate body report, European communities and certain member states : measures affecting trade in large civil aircraft (WT/DS316/AB/RW), EUI RSCAS, 2019/78, Global Governance Programme-368, Global Economics | EUI | Crivelli, Pramila | Rubini, Luca |
DS381 | U.S. – Tuna and Tuna Products | 2018 | BARONCINI, Elisa, , BRUNEL, Claire, A WTO safe harbour for the dolphins : the second compliance proceedings in the US – Tuna II (Mexico) case, EUI RSCAS, 2019/75, Global Governance Programme-365, [Global Economics] | EUI | Brunel, Claire | Baroncini, Elisa |
DS491 | U.S. – Coated Paper (Indonesia) | 2018 | BEAULIEU, Eugene, , PRÉVOST, Denise, Subsidy determination, benchmarks and adverse inferences : assessing ‘benefit’ in US – coated paper (Indonesia), EUI RSCAS, 2019/76, Global Governance Programme-366, [Global Economics] | EUI | Beaulieu, Eugene | Prevost, Denise |
DS488 | U.S. – OCTG (Korea) | 2018 | AHN, Dukgeun, , LEVY, Philip I., US – OCTG (Korea) : legal boundary of “political” remedy, EUI RSCAS, 2019/77, Global Governance Programme-367, [Global Economics] | EUI | Levy, Philip I. | Ahn, Dukgeun |
DS480 | EU – Biodiesel (Indonesia) | 2018 | FISCHER, Carolyn, , MEYER, Timothy, Baptists and bootleggers in the biodiesel trade : EU-biodiesel (Indonesia), EUI RSCAS, 2019/80, Global Governance Programme-369, [Global Economics] | EUI | Fischer, Carolyn | Meyer, Timothy |