China’s departure from ‘revolutionary diplomacy’ during the Cold War: a quiet remorse

October 5, 2021 @ 9:00 am – 10:30 am Europe/Rome Timezone
Mia Saugman

First of three series of lectures by Chisako T. Masuo, Associate Professor at Kyushu University. The other two will take place on 9 November and 17 December.

The Chinese government never officially admits its mistakes. When it modifies its diplomatic policies, how does that happen? Who leads the process of change? How far can the cadres go in criticising previous policies? What is the role of the top leader? By using as an example the most significant diplomatic transformation in PRC history hitherto, Prof. Maduo reviews the slow and secretive process for formulating the ‘Independent Foreign Policy’ officially announced in 1982. This change, which occurred towards the end of the Cold War, laid the foundation for transforming international relations and norms among the socialist countries and made China fully participate in the Western international order.

Speaker: Chisako T. Masuo (Kyushu University)
Organiser: Giulio Pugliese (University of Oxford and European University Institute)