At the crossroads of digital futures: defining the EU’s priorities for the Global Digital Compact negotiations

April 9, 2024 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Europe/Rome Timezone
RSCAS Conference Unit

Join this multistakeholder consultation between the EU and non-governmental stakeholder

The Global Digital Compact has the ambition to develop shared principles for an open, free and secure digital future. In February and March of 2024, the UN General Assembly has separately convened member states and stakeholders for consultations on the Global Digital Compact, led by the co-facilitators H.E. Amb. Anna Enström, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN, and H.E. Amb. Chola Milambo, Permanent Representative of Zambia to the UN. A Zero Draft of the Global Digital Compact is expected to be shared by 31 March. The success and legitimacy of these process will depend upon meaningful participation of the multi-stakeholder community.

To ensure that the voices of the non-governmental actors are channelled into the EU’s negotiating position and ultimately to the UN negotiating table, the EEAS, the European Commission’s DG CNECT, and the EUI invite EU-based stakeholders (e.g. civil society organisations, the technical community, the private sector and academia) to share insights on the zero draft as well as the EU priorities for the Global Digital Compact negotiations.

In addition to the online discussion, the organisers encourage the interested stakeholders to submit their ideas in writing. Unless explicitly requested by the authors, the submissions will be published on the EUI website. All written submissions should be sent to:

Project funded by the European Union under the service contract no. NDICI/2023/447-807