Completed Projects
Global Economics: Trade, Investment and Development
Completed Policy Research and Advisory Activities
A list of concluded policy research and advisory activities of the Global Governance Programme’s Global Economics team… read more
The E15 Initiative: Task Force on Regulatory Systems Coherence
The Task Force aims to examine the problems posed by differences in regulation and regulatory regimes across markets and consider alternative approaches that could be taken by governments and the business community to reduce the regulatory barriers to trade… read more
Restoring Multilateral Trade Co-operation
This project brings together a number of policy research institutes and think tanks, primarily in emerging economies, to search for new ideas that can assist in revitalising multilateral trade cooperation… read more
Regulating the Origin of Goods in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: a Path Towards Harmonisation in the WTO?
This project centres on an under-researched area of trade regulation: analysis of the law, politics and economics of Rules of Origin (RoO), with a particular focus on differences in approaches in the EU and the US, motivated by the ongoing negotiations to establish a Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP)… read more
Global Citizenship
FAIR EU (Fostering Awareness Inclusion and Recognition) aims to foster the successful inclusion of EU mobile citizens in their host EU country’s civic and political life through the provision of a holistic approach to tackling obstacles they face when exercising their rights… read more
Knowledge, Governance, Transitions
Global Governance by Indicators
The research project focused on the analysis of indicators as instruments of global governance that impact the behaviour of actors in global governance contexts, potentially bypassing traditional, public authority-based forms of global governance and international law… read more
Cultural Pluralism
ÉMIGRÉ – European Emigration Governance
The key objective of the project is to analyse the emigration and diaspora policies implemented at national and EU-level, and how they impact on individual migration strategies of Europeans. read more
Cultural Base
The project aims to address the topic of Heritage and European Identities from a double standpoint, namely, an analytical as well as a public policy perspective… read more
Accept Pluralism
The concept of tolerance and the practice of toleration were the lenses through which the project Accept Pluralism developed between 2010 and 2013… read more
Domestic Work Case Study
Types/forms of exploitation in the domestic work sector; motivations and factors driving demand; gaps in legislations and policies. Leading to policy briefs and reports… read more
ITHACA – Integration, Transnational Mobility and Human, Social and Economic Capital Transfers (2013-2015)
Interconnections between integration and transnational mobility of migrants between Austria, Italy, Spain and the UK, and Bosnia, India, Morocco, Philippines and Ukraine. Outputs include reports, policy briefs and a documentary film… read more
TRAFFICKO – Trafficking for Labour Exploitation: Assessing Antitrafficking Interventions in Italy (2013-2015)
Implementation of anti-trafficking legislation in Italy; impact of anti-trafficking interventions with regard to identification and assistance of victims. Leading to policy advice and a Practical Guide for legal practitioners and policy makers to improve prevention and protection of victims… read more
High-Skilled Migration in Times of Crisis – Survey (2013-2015)
Profile of high-skilled migrants from Southern Europe and Ireland; motivations for emigrating; EU mobility experience. Read more
European Transnational and Global Governance
(Now the European Governance and Politics Programme)
Global Governance by Indicators (2013-2015)
Indices and indicators as instruments of global governance; theory, method, use and impact on decision-making. Leading to working papers and an edited volume… read more
The Protection of Democracy in Integration Organisations in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean (2014-2015)
Performance of integration organisations, in Europe (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (MERCOSUR, UNASUR, SICA and CARICOM) in implementing democratic conditionality clauses… read more