Academy History
- The resurgence of Russia’s global outreach: challenges and opportunities, 11-13 July 2019
- Revitalising rule-making and dispute resolution in the WTO – assessing the state of play, 10-12 July 2019
- China’s global ambitions in the age of Xi Jinping – envisioning multiple scenarios, 8-10 July 2019
- Evidence-based policy-making: from data to decision-making, 12-14 June 2019
- Does Europe need a grand strategy? Exploring competing visions for the EU’s role in the world, 20-22 May 2019
- Trade negotiations in an era of uncertainty, 15-17 April 2019
- Services, Trade and the UN Development Goals: which policies matter most?, 4-6 March 2019
- European security: old trends and new realities, 22-24 October 2018
- The resilience of Russia’s global outreach: challenges and opportunities, 11 – 13 October 2018
- Rules of Origin for Least Developed Countries, in association with UNCTAD, 9-11 October 2018
- Harmony in diversity? India’s new role in the ‘one world family’, 8 – 10 October 2018
- Geographical Indications for Least Developed Countries, in association with UNCTAD, 8-9 October 2018
- Beyond Bretton Woods: China and the changing landscape of international development finance, 4 – 6 October 2018
- China’s global ambitions in the age of Xi Jinping: envisioning multiple scenarios, 1 – 3 October 2018
- Services in the global economy: analytical tools and policy frontiers, 11-13 July 2018
- Populism and the globalisation backlash: scenarios for the WTO and 21st century trade agreements, 20-22 June 2018
- Evidence-based policy-making, 7 – 9 June 2018
- Transatlantic relations: past, present or future, 7 – 9 May 2018
- Citizenship in regional organisations: comparing European, Latin American and African experiences, 7 – 9 February 2018
- The Resilience of Russia’s Global Outreach: Challenges and Opportunities, 13 – 15 December 2017
- China’s Prospects after the 19th Communist Party Congress: Envisioning Multiple Scenarios, 11 – 13 December 2017
- Global Risk Analysis and Europe’s Changing Security Environment, 19-21 June 2017
- Rules of Origin for Least Developed Countries, in association with UNCTAD, 19-21 June 2017
- National Tax Regimes and International Trade Agreements: What Role for EU Rules and the WTO?, 12-14 June 2017
- Rules of Origin in International Trade – Evolution and New Frontiers, 30 May – 1 June 2017
- Services and Global Value Chains for Sustainable Development, 20-22 February 2017
- The Value and Functions of Parliaments in Regional Organisations, 16-19 November 2016
- Reassessing Latin American integration: entering a new stage?, 5-7 October 2016
- WTO Dispute Settlement, Public Policy, and Reform: As seen through the lens of US-Country of Origin Labelling (COOL), 14-16 June 2016
- Services For Sustainable Development: The Role Of Services Trade And Investment And Implications For Policy And Technical Assistance Provision – in association with ITC, 8 – 10 June 2016
- Mapping China’s Futures. A Scenario-based Approach to Analyse China’s Socio-Political and Economic Dynamics over the Next Decade, 12 – 14 May 2016
- Rules of Origin in International Trade – Concepts and Techniques, 1 – 3 March 2016
- Regional Courts in Regional Integration Organisations, 18-20 November 2015
- Small Firms Foreign Direct Investments in Developing Countries and the Potential Role of Investment Attraction Agencies
26 – 28 October - Comparing Regional Integration – Latin America, 7-9 October
- Negotiating and Drafting Rules of Origin, in association with UNCTAD, 5 – 9 October
- Competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises, in association with ITC, 15 – 17 September
- Anti-Dumping – Yesterday’s Woes and Today’s Concerns, 11-12 May
- Mapping China’s Futures. A Scenario-Based Approach to Analyse China’s Socio-Political and Economic Dynamics over the Next Decade, 7-9 May
- Negotiating and Drafting Rules of Origin – in association with UNCTAD, 20-24 April
- Europe in the World, 15 – 17 April
- Small Medium Enterprises and Foreign Direct Investments in Developing Countries, 29 – 31 October
- Global Value Chains: Policy Implications and Opportunities, 27 – 29 October
- Comparing Regional Integration Institutions: America, Africa, And Asia, 8-10 October
- European Union: Current Social, Economic and Financial Issues – in association with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, 28-30 May
- Global Value Chains and Low-income Countries: Implications for Trade Strategies and Trade Support Programmes – in association with the International Trade Center (ITC), 14-16 May
- The Barebones of the Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Agreement, 7-9 April
- Mapping China’s Futures. A scenarios-based approach to analysing China’s socio-political and economic dynamics over the next decade, 3-5 April
- Principles of Equality and Challenges of Discrimination. Problems and Effective Remedies, 2-4 April
- Multilateralism and the Shift Towards Global Tax Governance and Fiscal Transparency, 11-13 December
- European Union and Global Governance, 2-4 December
- Gender Quotas at the Global Level: Towards Parity Governance?, 20-22 November
- The Role of Foreign Direct Investments for Development: Legal, Social and Economic Aspects 23-25 October
- Global Value Chains: Policy Implications and Opportunities 21-23 October
- Comparing Regional Integration Institutions: America, Africa, and Asia 2-4 October
- The EU as a Global Actor Internal and External Challenges and Constraints – in association with the European University of St. Petersburg, 30 September – 4 October
- Global, Regional and National Actors in the Governance of the Atom: a Focus on Europe and the Middle East 11-13 June
- Climate Governance: Issues and Institutions 20-22 May
- Cultural Diversity: Advantage or Liability? 6-8 May
- Standard-setting in International Trade 18-20 February
- The Governance of the Information Society and the Regulation of the Internet, 11-13 December
- Issues in Development Policies: Development Finance and the Governance of Aid, 21-23 November
- WTO Dispute Settlement System, 5-7 November
- The Anatomy of EU Foreign Policy, 10-12 October
- Regional Integration Beyond the European Experience: Latin America and Asia, 3-5 October
- Political Participation in a Globalised World, 20-22 June
- Climate Governance: Issues and Institutions, 30 May-1 June
- From Tax Havens to International Tax Coordination: a Focus on Developing Countries, 2-5 May
- Global Governance and Transnational Human Rights Obligations (GLOTHRO) – 28 November -1 December
- Economics of Multilevel Governance in an International Context, 16-19 November
- Global Security Challenges for Europe, 19-22 October
- Comparing Models of Regional Integration: Experiences from the Latin America Region, 5-7 October
- The Macroeconomic and the Financial Landscape in the Aftermath of the 2007 Crisis: New Challenges and Perspectives, 6-9 June
- Tax Havens. Selected Theoretical and Practical Key Issues: A Legal and Economic Perspective, 8-10 June
- Climate Governance, 13-15 June
- Fighting Terrorism, 16-18 March
- Power, Conflict and Conflict Resolution, 15-19 November
- Global Regulation and New Social Risks, 18-22 October