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Past Events
Reassessing Latin American Integration: Entering a New Stage?
In the light of significant political changes in key countries in Latin America such as Argentina and Brazil, participants of the seminar discussed whether this, together with major changes in the global environment, marked...
The World Trade Forum 2016 took place on 23 and 24 September 2016 in Florence. It was organised by the World Trade Institute, the European University Institute, the Trade Policy Research Network and the Centre for Economic Policy Research.
23 September
Welcome by Renaud Dehousse | President of the European University Institute (EUI) and Brigid Laffan Director of Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and of the Global Governance Programme
Opening remarks by Joseph Francois | World Trade Institute (WTI) and Bernard Hoekman | EUI
Plenary Session I: Roundtable on FDI, Value Chains and Behind the Border Policies
Chair: Bernard Hoekman | EUI
Lucian Cernat | DG Trade, European Commission
Arancha González | Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (ITC)
Beata Javorcik | Oxford University
Charles Sabel | Columbia University
Plenary Session 2: Prospects for Further Trade Integration Lessons from Brexit TTIP and WTO
Chair: Richard Newfarmer | International Growth Centre
Thomas Cottier | WTI Thomas Bollyky | Council on Foreign Relations
Walter Werner | Ambassador to the WTO, Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany
Marc Vanheukelen | Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the European Union to the WTO
24 September
Plenary Session III Roundtable on Global Trade Policy: State of Play and Prospects
Chair: Shawn Donnan | Financial Times
Anabel González | Senior Director, World Bank
Christian Friis Bach | Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Raed Safadi | Department of Economic Development, Dubai
Carl Hamilton | DG Trade, European Commission
Concluding Roundtable by Joseph Francois | WTI and Bernard Hoekman | EUI