The team

Tina Magazzini
Tina Magazzini is a Research Associate at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Global Governance Programme. Previously to joining the European University Institute, she worked as Programme Officer at UNESCO’s Regional Office for Southern Africa, where she focused on knowledge-production on migration and on the Management of Social Transformations (MOST) programme (2017-2018). Tina holds a degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Florence (2007), a MA in International Relations from the City College of New York (2011) and a PhD in Human Rights from the University of Deusto (2018). She carried out her PhD as a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at the University of Deusto, with a secondment at the University of Sussex, in the framework of the INTEGRIM programme (Integration and International Migration). Within the Working Package on “Identity and Cultural Integration” she conducted a comparative analysis of Italy and Spain’s Roma integration strategies questioning the political dynamics which drive the framing of certain minorities as ‘in need to integrate’.
Outside academia, over the past years she has worked with a number of NGOs and International Organizations in the fields of social inclusion and minority rights in the United States, Guatemala, Belgium, Hungary, the Basque Country and Zimbabwe. She conducted research for the European Commission and the Council of Europe and participated as an external expert to the Global Forum for Migration and Development in 2016 and 2017.
Her work was awarded the Weston Scholarship for Public Service by the City College of New York (2011), the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship by the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research (2016), the Social Impact Award by the Marie Curie Alumni Association and the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence (2018). Since 2019, she has been included in #100esperte, a database of Italian experts on international politics developed by the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) with the support of the European Commission Representation in Italy, that aims at modernizing media language that neglects women as experts.
Research Interests
Her research interests include comparative methods, migration and integration policies, identity politics and the relationship between majorities, minorities and states. Her current research focuses on the models of religious governance in a comparative perspective, particularly in Southern Europe.
Book and Special Issue
Magazzini, T. and Desille, A. (eds.) Ma(r)king solidarity boundaries towards migrants. Individual, local and transnational experiences. Partecipazione & Conflitto (PACO), No. 3, 2023.
Triandafyllidou, A. and Magazzini, T. (eds.) Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity. London & New York: Routledge. 2021.
Magazzini, T., Piemontese, S. (eds.), Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance, IMISCOE Book series, Springer, 2019. Winner of the 2016 IMISCOE book competition.
Magazzini, T., Morondo Taramundi, D. (eds.), Identity and Cultural Integration, The Age of Human Rights Journal, No. 7, 2016.
Journal Articles
Magazzini, T. (2023), Historicising Transnational Heritage in Europe and Southern Africa: the role of memory in shaping regional identity, Journal of Intercultural Studies, Special Issue ‘(Inter)cultural heritage and migrants’ inclusion – bridging the gap’.
Magazzini, T., Triandafyllidou, A. and Yakova, L. (2022), State-religion relations in Southern and Southeastern Europe: moderate secularism with majoritarian undertones, Religion, State and Society, 50 (4), pp. 396-414.
Magazzini, T. (2021), Antidiscrimination Meets Integration Policies: Exploring New Diversity-Related Challenges in Europe, Social Sciences, No. 10, 221.
Magazzini, T., What’s in a name? Causes and consequences of labeling minorities as ‘national’ or ‘migrant’: Roma in Italy and Spain, International Migration, Vol.56, pp. 203-220, 2018.
Magazzini, T., Making the most of super-diversity. Notes on the potential of a new approach, Policy & Politics, Vol.45, No. 4, pp. 527-545, 2017.
Magazzini, T., Cultural institutions as a combat sport. Reflections on the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture, The Age of Human Rights Journal, No. 7, pp. 50-76, 2016.
Magazzini, T., Piemontese, S., ‘Roma’ migration in the EU: the case of Spain between ‘new’ and ‘old’ minorities, Migration Letters, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 228-241, 2016.
Magazzini, T., Piemontese, S. (2015), Modèles de gestion de la diversité en Europe et migrations roms: le cas espagnol, Confluences Méditerranée, Vol.93, No.2, L’Harmattan, pp. 51-62, 2015.
Book Chapters
Sealy, T. and Magazzini, T., The governance of religious diversity and the challenge of (violent) radicalization in Western Europe. In Grossman, M. and Hellyer, H. (eds), Rethinking Religion and Radicalization: Terrorism and Violence Twenty Years After 9/11. Bloomsbury, 2023.
Heine, F. and Magazzini, T., Preparing for Day X: Looking into Germany’s extreme right-wing radicalization. In Grossman, M. and Hellyer, H. (eds), Rethinking Religion and Radicalization: Terrorism and Violence Twenty Years After 9/11. Bloomsbury, 2023.
Triandafyllifou, A. and Magazzini, T., The governance of religious diversity. Challenges and responses. In: Triandafyllidou A., Magazzini T. (eds), Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity. Routledge, 2021.
Magazzini, T., The Italian case. ‘Baptised laicità’ and a changing demographic. In: Triandafyllidou A., Magazzini T. (eds), Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity. Routledge, 2021.
Magazzini, T., Spain. All religions are equal, but some are more equal than others. In: Triandafyllidou A., Magazzini T. (eds), Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity. Routledge, 2021.
Triandafyllifou, A. and Magazzini, T., Governing religious diversity across the world. Comparative insights. In: Triandafyllidou A., Magazzini T. (eds), Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity. Routledge, 2021.
Magazzini, T., Making the most of superdiversity: notes on the potential of a new approach. In: Phillimore, J., Sigona, N. and Tonkiss, K. (eds.), Superdiversity, policy and governance in Europe: multi-scalar perspectives. Bristol University Press, Policy Press, 2020.
Magazzini, T., Identity as a Weapon of the Weak? Understanding the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture. In: van Baar, H. and Kóczé, A. (eds.), The Roma and their struggle for identity in contemporary Europe. Berghahn Books, 2020.
Magazzini T., Integration as an Essentially Contested Concept: Questioning the Assumptions behind the National Roma Integration Strategies of Italy and Spain. In: Hinger S., Schweitzer R. (eds), Politics of (Dis)Integration. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, 2020.
Magazzini, T., Chiozza, E., Rossi, M., Conformism or Inadequacy of Roma Inclusion Policies? Missed opportunities at the European and Local Levels, in Magazzini, T. and Piemontese, S. (eds.), Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance, IMISCOE Book Series, Springer, 2019.
Piemontese, S. and Magazzini, T., Roma Westward Migration in Europe: Rethinking Political, Social, and Methodological Challenges, in Magazzini, T. and Piemontese, S. (eds.), Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance, IMISCOE Book Series, Springer, 2019.
Magazzini, T., When regional inclusion outperforms the state. The case of the Spanish Basque Country, in Lāce, A. (ed.), Newcomer Integration in Europe: Best Practices and Innovations in Response to 2015 Crisis, FEPS, 2018.
Reports, working papers and policy papers
Magazzini, T., Country Report. Religious governance in Italy: socio-demographic context, the role of the Catholic church and radicalisation challenges. GREASE country reports. 2019
Magazzini, T., Country Report. Religious diversity in Spain: socio-demographic context, institutional framework and radicalisation challenges. GREASE country reports. 2019
Magazzini, T., France. GREASE Radicalisation and Resilience Case Studies. 2020
Heine, F. and Magazzini, T., Germany. GREASE Radicalisation and Resilience Case Studies. 2020
UNESCO, 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report Migration, Displacement and Education: Building bridges not walls, 2019.
Eusko Ikaskuntza, Green Book Cohesión y Solidariedad: Libro Verde del (de los) territorio(s) de Vasconia, 2018.
Magazzini, T., In Varietate Concordia? Roma identity and integration in EU imagined communities, Integrim online papers, No. 7, 2014.
Blog posts, MOOCs, video and dissemination
Magazzini, T. and Triandafyllidou, A., Secular imagined communities? The entanglements of Europe’s national and religious identities, Bilgi PRIME Youth blog, April 2022.
Triandafyllidou, A. and Magazzini, T., Book presentation ‘Governance of Religious Diversity‘, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, May 2021.
Magazzini, T. and Triandafyllidou, A., Belonging and Believing: How Faith Fits in Around the World, Religion & Democracy, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, March 2021.
Magazzini, T., France: La République is at war with itself, Global Extremes, openDemocracy, November 2020.
Magazzini, T., Modood, T., Triandafyllisou, A. and Sealy, T., What is the fate of religion in Europe?, Global Extremes, openDemocracy, April 2020.
Massive Online Open Course, Religion, Radicalisation, Resilience. GREASE project, 2019-2022.
Massive Online Open Course, Governing Religion: Global Challenges and Comparative Approaches, GREASE project, 2019.
Short video ‘A Coney Island of the Mind’ selected among the Film Geographies shorts screened at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, April 2018 and used to open the Migrating Out of Poverty: from Evidence to Policy conference, London, March 2017.
Magazzini, T., Same-same but different: what can superdiversity offer that multiculturalism cannot?, Policy & Politics Blog, December 2017.
Magazzini, T., Memorie dal sottosuolo. I rifugiati nei bunker di Ginevra, Walking on The South (WOTS), November 2016.
Video contribution to the Working Group on Diaspora and Migrants event Global Diaspora Day: telling different stories on migration, European Commission, Brussels, June 2016.
Participation in the collaborative project between the University of Deusto’s Human Rights Istitute, Doctors of the World and the Association Ignacio Ellacuria, Con la cámara a cuestas: miradas de mujer, Sala Rekalde, Ellacuria Foundation and University of Deusto, 2014.