This replication note has been written by Lorenzo Sileci (Research Associate EUI RSCAS, GGP and LSE PhD candidate) in July 2021
Collapsing IPUMS Data at the lowest available geographic scale
In the following, I illustrate how I have aggregated the IPUMS survey data at the finest available geographic scale (administrative level 2 for most countries, except Botswana - where only administrative levek 1 is available - and Rwanda - where only the last wave is available at the administrative 2 level, and hence data from said wave has been resampled to the administrative level 1).
I use the Benin's last wave as an example of how the aggregation has been performed.
First of all, data must be read into R:
## BENIN ###
# ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.1 ──
## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.3 ✓ purrr 0.3.4
## ✓ tibble 3.1.2 ✓ dplyr 1.0.6
## ✓ tidyr 1.1.3 ✓ stringr 1.4.0
## ✓ readr 1.4.0 ✓ forcats 0.5.1
# ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
# x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
# x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
# Import data from IPUMS
if (!require("ipumsr")) stop("Reading IPUMS data into R requires the ipumsr package. It can be installed using the following command: install.packages('ipumsr')")
# Loading required package: ipumsr
ddi <- read_ipums_ddi("~/Dropbox/Work/RA/services micro ssa/Lorenzo_RA_Work/IPUMS_data/ipumsi_00030.xml")
benin <- read_ipums_micro(ddi)
# Use of data from IPUMS-International is subject to conditions including that
# users should cite the data appropriately. Use command `ipums_conditions()` for
# more details.
Examine variable names
Inspect hh and person weights: in this instance they are all equal
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
# 10 10 10 10 10 10
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
# 10 10 10 10 10 10
# Import IPUMS_GIS world level adm2 shapefile and restrict to Benin, renaming geolev2 variable for merging purposes <- sf::read_sf(dsn = "~/Dropbox/Work/RA/services micro ssa/Lorenzo_RA_Work/world_geolev2_2019", layer = "world_geolev2_2019") %>%
filter(CNTRY_NAME == "Benin") %>%
rename(GEOLEV2 = "GEOLEVEL2") %>%
dplyr::select(-CNTRY_CODE, -BPL_CODE)
Optionally, in the _wa
datasets, the waves get restricted to working age population only:
benin <- benin %>%
filter(!AGE==999 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 65)
Number of Children and Children under 5
These two variables need not be dummified as the weighted mean per district already yields the average number of children and children under 5 years of age for each administrative area:
summarise for each district
benin_nchild_2013 <- benin %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(n_children = weighted.mean(NCHILD, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.nchild.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_nchild_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
summarise for each district
benin_nchlt5_2013 <- benin %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(n_children_u5 = weighted.mean(NCHLT5, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.nchlt5.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_nchlt5_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
Here I calculate mean age for each district, and exclude "not in universe" observations
(AGE == 999
summarise for each district
benin_age_2013 <- benin %>%
filter(!AGE==999 & YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(age = weighted.mean(AGE, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.age.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_age_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
Gender is a binary dummy without unknowns and NIU:
benin_sex <- benin %>%
mutate(female = ifelse(SEX == 2, 1, 0),
male = ifelse(SEX == 1, 1, 0))
summarise for each district
benin_sex_2013 <- benin_sex %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(female = weighted.mean(female, PERWT),
male = weighted.mean(male, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares <- merge(, benin_sex_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_sex, benin_sex_2013)
Marital Status
Here, I need to exclude both unknowns and NIU and to dummify the 4 categories of the marital status variable in order to calculate the incidence of each category for each administrative unit.
benin_marst <- benin %>%
filter(!MARST == 0 & !MARST==9) %>%
mutate(single = ifelse(MARST == 1,1,0),
married = ifelse(MARST == 2, 1, 0),
divorced = ifelse(MARST == 3, 1, 0),
widowed = ifelse(MARST == 4, 1, 0))
benin_marst_2013 <- benin_marst %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(single = weighted.mean(single, PERWT),
married = weighted.mean(married, PERWT),
divorced = weighted.mean(divorced, PERWT),
widowed = weighted.mean(widowed, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.marst.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_marst_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_marst, benin_marst_2013)
Newborn Children and Surviving Newborn Children
As before, I exclude unknown and NIU observations, dummify each category and calculate shares for each category:
benin_chborn <- benin %>%
filter(!CHBORN == 98 & !CHBORN==99) %>%
mutate(nochildren = ifelse(CHBORN == 0, 1, 0),
onechild = ifelse(CHBORN == 1, 1, 0),
twochildren = ifelse(CHBORN == 2, 1, 0),
threechildren = ifelse(CHBORN == 30, 1, 0))
benin_chborn_2013 <- benin_chborn %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(nochildren = weighted.mean(nochildren, PERWT),
onechild = weighted.mean(onechild, PERWT),
twochildren = weighted.mean(twochildren, PERWT),
threechildren = weighted.mean(threechildren, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.chborn.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_chborn_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_chborn, benin_chborn_2013)
benin_chsurv <- benin %>%
filter(!CHSURV == 98 & !CHSURV==99) %>%
mutate(nosurv_children = ifelse(CHSURV == 0, 1, 0),
onesurv_children = ifelse(CHSURV ==1,1,0),
twosurv_children = ifelse(CHSURV == 2, 1, 0),
threesurv_children = ifelse(CHSURV == 30, 1, 0))
benin_chsurv_2013 <- benin_chsurv %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(nosurv_children = weighted.mean(nosurv_children, PERWT),
onesurv_children = weighted.mean(onesurv_children, PERWT),
twosurv_children = weighted.mean(twosurv_children, PERWT),
threesurv_children = weighted.mean(threesurv_children, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.chsurv.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_chsurv_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_chsurv, benin_chsurv_2013)
Last Year Births and Surviving Births
Exactly as before, I exclude unknown and NIU observations, dummify each category and calculate shares for each category:
benin_births <- benin %>%
filter(!BIRTHSLYR == 9 & !BIRTHSLYR == 8) %>%
mutate(no_births = ifelse(BIRTHSLYR == 0, 1, 0),
one_three_births = ifelse(BIRTHSLYR ==1,1,0),
four_more_births = ifelse(BIRTHSLYR == 4, 1, 0))
benin_births_2013 <- benin_births %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(no_births = weighted.mean(no_births, PERWT),
one_three_births = weighted.mean(one_three_births, PERWT),
four_more_births = weighted.mean(four_more_births, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.births.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_births_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_births, benin_births_2013)
benin_birthsurv <- benin %>%
filter(!BIRTHSURV == 9 & !BIRTHSURV == 8) %>%
mutate(one_three_birthsurv = ifelse(BIRTHSURV ==1,1,0),
four_more_birthsurv = ifelse(BIRTHSURV == 4, 1, 0))
benin_birthsurv_2013 <- benin_birthsurv %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(one_three_birthsurv = weighted.mean(one_three_birthsurv, PERWT),
four_more_birthsurv = weighted.mean(four_more_birthsurv, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.birthsurv.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_birthsurv_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_birthsurv, benin_birthsurv_2013)
Mother Mortality
benin_mortmot <- benin %>%
filter(!MORTMOT == 9 & !MORTMOT == 8) %>%
mutate(mother_alive = ifelse(MORTMOT == 1, 1, 0),
mother_dead = ifelse(MORTMOT == 2, 1, 0))
benin_mortmot_2013 <- benin_mortmot %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(mother_alive = weighted.mean(mother_alive, PERWT),
mother_dead = weighted.mean(mother_dead, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.mortmot.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_mortmot_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_mortmot, benin_mortmot_2013)
benin_religion <- benin %>%
filter(!RELIGION == 0 & !RELIGION == 9) %>%
mutate(religion_atheist = ifelse(RELIGION == 1,1,0),
religion_buddhist = ifelse(RELIGION == 2,1,0),
religion_hindu = ifelse(RELIGION == 3, 1, 0),
religion_jewish = ifelse(RELIGION == 4, 1, 0),
religion_muslim = ifelse(RELIGION == 5, 1, 0),
religion_christian = ifelse(RELIGION == 6, 1, 0),
religion_other = ifelse(RELIGION == 7, 1, 0))
benin_religion_2013 <- benin_religion %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(religion_atheist =weighted.mean(religion_atheist, PERWT),
religion_buddhist =weighted.mean(religion_buddhist, PERWT),
religion_hindu = weighted.mean(religion_hindu, PERWT),
religion_jewish = weighted.mean(religion_jewish, PERWT),
religion_muslim = weighted.mean(religion_muslim, PERWT),
religion_christian =weighted.mean(religion_christian, PERWT),
religion_other = weighted.mean(religion_other, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.religion.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_religion_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_religion, benin_religion_2013)
Ethnicity and Language
Here, there is a slight degree of added complexity. Ethnicity and language variables are indeed not uniform across IPUMS samples (i.e. different countries) due of course to the different ethnic and linguistic composition of each country. I directly compute the degree of ethnic and linguisitic fractionalisation at the lowest administrative level by adapting Alesina et al. (2003), "Fractionalization" and calculating: \[ FRACT_j = 1 - \sum_{i=1}^{N}{s_{ij}^{2}} \] where \(FRACT_j\) is the fractionalisation index for administrative unit \(j\), and \(s_{ij}\) is the share of ethnic/linguistic group \(i \in (1,..., N)\) in administrative unit \(j\). My code first counts the number of individuals for each ethnic/linguistic group in each administrative unit, then calculates the share \(s_{ij}\) by dividing it for the administrative unit's population, and finally applies Alesina et al. (2003)'s formula in order to calculate \(FRACT_j\). I also produce a map of ethnic fractionalisation indices to illustrate the concept.
benin_ethnic <- benin %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
count(GEOLEV2, ETHNICBJ, name = "frac")
benin_ethnic_2013 = merge(benin_ethnic, benin.pop.2013.spatial, by = "GEOLEV2") %>%
dplyr::select(-one_of(c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "geometry"))) %>%
mutate(share_i2 = (frac/population)^2) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(ethnic_fract = 1-sum(share_i2))
# merge with spatial units
benin.ethnic.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_ethnic_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_ethnic, benin_ethnic_2013)
# Plot the fractionalisation index
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = benin.ethnic.2013.spatial$geometry) +
geom_sf(data = benin.ethnic.2013.spatial, aes(fill=ethnic_fract)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "plasma") + theme_void()
benin_lang <- benin %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
count(GEOLEV2, LANGBJ, name = "frac")
benin_lang_2013 = merge(benin_lang, benin.pop.2013.spatial, by = "GEOLEV2") %>%
dplyr::select(-one_of(c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "geometry"))) %>%
mutate(share_i2 = (frac/population)^2) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(lang_fract = 1-sum(share_i2))
# merge with spatial units
benin.lang.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_lang_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_lang, benin_lang_2013)
School Attendance
benin_school <- benin %>%
filter(!SCHOOL == 0 & !SCHOOL == 9) %>%
mutate(school_attend = ifelse(SCHOOL == 1, 1, 0),
school_no = ifelse(SCHOOL == 2, 1, 0),
school_past = ifelse(SCHOOL == 3, 1, 0),
school_never = ifelse(SCHOOL == 4, 1, 0))
benin_school_2013 <- benin_school %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(school_attend =weighted.mean(school_attend, PERWT),
school_no =weighted.mean(school_no, PERWT),
school_past = weighted.mean(school_past, PERWT),
school_never = weighted.mean(school_never, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares <- merge(, benin_school_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_school, benin_school_2013)
benin_lit <- benin %>%
filter(!LIT == 0 & !LIT==9) %>%
mutate(literacy_no = ifelse(LIT == 1, 1, 0),
literacy_yes = ifelse(LIT == 2, 1, 0))
benin_lit_2013 <- benin_lit %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(literacy_no =weighted.mean(literacy_no, PERWT),
literacy_yes =weighted.mean(literacy_yes, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.lit.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_lit_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_lit, benin_lit_2013)
Educational Attainment
benin_edattain <- benin %>%
filter(!EDATTAIN == 0 & !EDATTAIN == 9) %>%
mutate(edattain_noprimary = ifelse(EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edattain_primary = ifelse(EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edattain_secondary = ifelse(EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edattain_university = ifelse(EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0))
benin_edattain_2013 <- benin_edattain %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(edattain_noprimary =weighted.mean(edattain_noprimary, PERWT),
edattain_primary =weighted.mean(edattain_primary, PERWT),
edattain_secondary = weighted.mean(edattain_secondary,PERWT),
edattain_university = weighted.mean(edattain_university,PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.edattain.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_edattain_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_edattain, benin_edattain_2013)
Years of Schooling
benin_yrschool <- benin %>%
filter(!YRSCHOOL == 99 & !YRSCHOOL == 90 & !YRSCHOOL == 91 &
!YRSCHOOL == 92 & !YRSCHOOL == 93 & !YRSCHOOL == 94 &
!YRSCHOOL == 95 & !YRSCHOOL == 96 & !YRSCHOOL == 98)
summarise for each district
benin_yrschool_2013 <- benin_yrschool %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(yrschool = weighted.mean(YRSCHOOL, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.yrschool.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_yrschool_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_yrschool, benin_yrschool_2013)
Employment Status
benin_empstat <- benin %>%
filter(!EMPSTAT == 0 & !EMPSTAT==9) %>%
mutate(employment_yes = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 1, 1, 0),
employment_no = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 2, 1, 0),
employment_inactive = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 3, 1, 0))
benin_empstat_2013 <- benin_empstat %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(employment_yes =weighted.mean(employment_yes, PERWT),
employment_no = weighted.mean(employment_no,PERWT),
employment_inactive = weighted.mean(employment_inactive,PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.empstat.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_empstat_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_empstat, benin_empstat_2013)
Labour Force Participation
benin_labforce <- benin %>%
filter(!LABFORCE == 9 & !LABFORCE==8) %>%
mutate(labforce_no = ifelse(LABFORCE == 1, 1, 0),
labforce_yes = ifelse(LABFORCE == 2, 1, 0))
benin_labforce_2013 <- benin_labforce %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(labforce_no =weighted.mean(labforce_no, PERWT),
labforce_yes = weighted.mean(labforce_yes,PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.labforce.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_labforce_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_labforce, benin_labforce_2013)
benin_occisco <- benin %>%
filter(!OCCISCO == 99 & !OCCISCO==98 & !OCCISCO == 97) %>%
mutate(occupation_legislators = ifelse(OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
occupation_professionals = ifelse(OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
occupation_technicians = ifelse(OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
occupation_clerks = ifelse(OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
occupation_services = ifelse(OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
occupation_agrifish = ifelse(OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
occupation_crafts = ifelse(OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
occupation_plant = ifelse(OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
occupation_elementary = ifelse(OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
occupation_army = ifelse(OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
occupation_other = ifelse(OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0))
benin_occisco_2013 <- benin_occisco %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(occupation_legislators = weighted.mean(occupation_legislators, PERWT),
occupation_professionals = weighted.mean(occupation_professionals, PERWT),
occupation_technicians = weighted.mean(occupation_technicians, PERWT),
occupation_clerks = weighted.mean(occupation_clerks, PERWT),
occupation_services =weighted.mean(occupation_services, PERWT),
occupation_agrifish =weighted.mean(occupation_agrifish, PERWT),
occupation_crafts = weighted.mean(occupation_crafts, PERWT),
occupation_plant = weighted.mean(occupation_plant, PERWT),
occupation_elementary = weighted.mean(occupation_elementary, PERWT),
occupation_army = weighted.mean(occupation_army, PERWT),
occupation_other = weighted.mean(occupation_other, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.occisco.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_occisco_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_occisco, benin_occisco_2013)
Aggregated Sectors
Here I calculate sectoral shares with three target categories: primary, secondary and tertiary sector. Therefore, I group agriculture and mining into the primary sector, manufacturing, construction and "other industry" into the secondary sector and all other categories into the tertiary.
benin_sectors <- benin %>%
filter(!INDGEN == 0 & !INDGEN == 998 & !INDGEN== 999) %>%
mutate(sector_primary = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 | INDGEN == 20, 1, 0),
sector_secondary = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 | INDGEN == 50 | INDGEN == 130, 1, 0),
sector_tertiary = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 | INDGEN == 60 | INDGEN == 70|
INDGEN == 80 | INDGEN == 90 | INDGEN == 100|
INDGEN == 110| INDGEN == 111| INDGEN == 112|
INDGEN == 113| INDGEN == 114| INDGEN == 120, 1, 0))
benin_sectors_2013 <- benin_sectors %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(sector_primary = weighted.mean(sector_primary, PERWT),
sector_secondary = weighted.mean(sector_secondary, PERWT),
sector_tertiary = weighted.mean(sector_tertiary, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.sectors.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_sectors_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_sectors, benin_sectors_2013)
I then plot primary, secondary and tertiary shares by district:
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = benin.sectors.2013.spatial$geometry) +
geom_sf(data = benin.sectors.2013.spatial, aes(fill=sector_primary)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis") + theme_void()
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = benin.sectors.2013.spatial$geometry) +
geom_sf(data = benin.sectors.2013.spatial, aes(fill=sector_secondary)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis") + theme_void()
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = benin.sectors.2013.spatial$geometry) +
geom_sf(data = benin.sectors.2013.spatial, aes(fill=sector_tertiary)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis") + theme_void()
The uneven spatial distribution of sectors is apparent, with the secondary and tertiary sectors concentrating in the southern, coastal part of the country (where the capital Porto-Novo is located) and the rest of the country devoted mainly to agriculture (with the exception of the district of Parakou, the most important city in the central part of Benin).
Variables disaggregated by gender
I then turn to the cross-products of the gender variable with employment status, occupation and disaggregated sectors. For each level of employment status, occupation and sector, I calculate the female and male share.
only select the variable "EMPSTAT" in order to aggregate its shares at adm2 level
benin_gender_empstat <- benin %>%
filter(!EMPSTAT == 0 & !EMPSTAT==9) %>%
mutate(female_employment_yes = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 1 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_employment_no = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 2 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_employment_inactive = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 3 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
male_employment_yes = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 1 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_employment_no = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 2 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_employment_inactive = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 3 & SEX == 1, 1, 0))
summarise for each district
benin_gender_empstat_2013 <- benin_gender_empstat %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(female_employment_yes =weighted.mean(female_employment_yes, PERWT),
female_employment_no = weighted.mean(female_employment_no,PERWT),
female_employment_inactive = weighted.mean(female_employment_inactive,PERWT),
male_employment_yes =weighted.mean(male_employment_yes, PERWT),
male_employment_no = weighted.mean(male_employment_no,PERWT),
male_employment_inactive = weighted.mean(male_employment_inactive,PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.gender.empstat.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_gender_empstat_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_gender_empstat, benin_gender_empstat_2013)
benin_gender_occisco <- benin %>%
filter(!OCCISCO == 99 & !OCCISCO==98 & !OCCISCO == 97) %>%
mutate(female_occupation_legislators = ifelse(OCCISCO == 1 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_professionals = ifelse(OCCISCO == 2 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_technicians = ifelse(OCCISCO == 3 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_clerks = ifelse(OCCISCO == 4 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_services = ifelse(OCCISCO == 5 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_agrifish = ifelse(OCCISCO == 6 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_crafts = ifelse(OCCISCO == 7 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_plant = ifelse(OCCISCO == 8 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_elementary = ifelse(OCCISCO == 9 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_army = ifelse(OCCISCO == 10 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
female_occupation_other = ifelse(OCCISCO == 11 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
male_occupation_legislators = ifelse(OCCISCO == 1 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_professionals = ifelse(OCCISCO == 2 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_technicians = ifelse(OCCISCO == 3 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_clerks = ifelse(OCCISCO == 4 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_services = ifelse(OCCISCO == 5 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_agrifish = ifelse(OCCISCO == 6 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_crafts = ifelse(OCCISCO == 7 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_plant = ifelse(OCCISCO == 8 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_elementary = ifelse(OCCISCO == 9 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_army = ifelse(OCCISCO == 10 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
male_occupation_other = ifelse(OCCISCO == 11 & SEX == 1, 1, 0))
summarise for each district
benin_gender_occisco_2013 <- benin_gender_occisco %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(female_occupation_legislators = weighted.mean(female_occupation_legislators, PERWT),
female_occupation_professionals = weighted.mean(female_occupation_professionals, PERWT),
female_occupation_technicians = weighted.mean(female_occupation_technicians, PERWT),
female_occupation_clerks = weighted.mean(female_occupation_clerks, PERWT),
female_occupation_services =weighted.mean(female_occupation_services, PERWT),
female_occupation_agrifish =weighted.mean(female_occupation_agrifish, PERWT),
female_occupation_crafts = weighted.mean(female_occupation_crafts, PERWT),
female_occupation_plant = weighted.mean(female_occupation_plant, PERWT),
female_occupation_elementary = weighted.mean(female_occupation_elementary, PERWT),
female_occupation_army = weighted.mean(female_occupation_army, PERWT),
female_occupation_other = weighted.mean(female_occupation_other, PERWT),
male_occupation_legislators = weighted.mean(male_occupation_legislators, PERWT),
male_occupation_professionals = weighted.mean(male_occupation_professionals, PERWT),
male_occupation_technicians = weighted.mean(male_occupation_technicians, PERWT),
male_occupation_clerks = weighted.mean(male_occupation_clerks, PERWT),
male_occupation_services =weighted.mean(male_occupation_services, PERWT),
male_occupation_agrifish =weighted.mean(male_occupation_agrifish, PERWT),
male_occupation_crafts = weighted.mean(male_occupation_crafts, PERWT),
male_occupation_plant = weighted.mean(male_occupation_plant, PERWT),
male_occupation_elementary = weighted.mean(male_occupation_elementary, PERWT),
male_occupation_army = weighted.mean(male_occupation_army, PERWT),
male_occupation_other = weighted.mean(male_occupation_other, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.gender.occisco.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_gender_occisco_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_gender_occisco, benin_gender_occisco_2013)
benin_gender_indgen <- benin %>%
filter(!INDGEN == 0 & !INDGEN == 998 & !INDGEN== 999) %>%
mutate(sector_female_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_female_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & SEX == 2, 1, 0),
sector_male_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & SEX == 1, 1, 0),
sector_male_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & SEX == 1, 1, 0))
summarise for each district
benin_gender_indgen_2013 <- benin_gender_indgen %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(sector_female_agriculture =weighted.mean(sector_female_agriculture, PERWT),
sector_female_mining =weighted.mean(sector_female_mining, PERWT),
sector_female_manufacturing =weighted.mean(sector_female_manufacturing, PERWT),
sector_female_utilities =weighted.mean(sector_female_utilities, PERWT),
sector_female_construction =weighted.mean(sector_female_construction, PERWT),
sector_female_trade =weighted.mean(sector_female_trade, PERWT),
sector_female_accommodation =weighted.mean(sector_female_accommodation, PERWT),
sector_female_transport =weighted.mean(sector_female_transport, PERWT),
sector_female_finance =weighted.mean(sector_female_finance, PERWT),
sector_female_public = weighted.mean(sector_female_public, PERWT),
sector_female_unspec_services = weighted.mean(sector_female_unspec_services, PERWT),
sector_female_business = weighted.mean(sector_female_business, PERWT),
sector_female_education = weighted.mean(sector_female_education, PERWT),
sector_female_health = weighted.mean(sector_female_health, PERWT),
sector_female_other_services = weighted.mean(sector_female_other_services, PERWT),
sector_female_private_hh = weighted.mean(sector_female_private_hh, PERWT),
sector_female_other_industry = weighted.mean(sector_female_other_industry, PERWT),
sector_male_agriculture =weighted.mean(sector_male_agriculture, PERWT),
sector_male_mining =weighted.mean(sector_male_mining, PERWT),
sector_male_manufacturing =weighted.mean(sector_male_manufacturing, PERWT),
sector_male_utilities =weighted.mean(sector_male_utilities, PERWT),
sector_male_construction =weighted.mean(sector_male_construction, PERWT),
sector_male_trade =weighted.mean(sector_male_trade, PERWT),
sector_male_accommodation =weighted.mean(sector_male_accommodation, PERWT),
sector_male_transport =weighted.mean(sector_male_transport, PERWT),
sector_male_finance =weighted.mean(sector_male_finance, PERWT),
sector_male_public = weighted.mean(sector_male_public, PERWT),
sector_male_unspec_services = weighted.mean(sector_male_unspec_services, PERWT),
sector_male_business = weighted.mean(sector_male_business, PERWT),
sector_male_education = weighted.mean(sector_male_education, PERWT),
sector_male_health = weighted.mean(sector_male_health, PERWT),
sector_male_other_services = weighted.mean(sector_male_other_services, PERWT),
sector_male_private_hh = weighted.mean(sector_male_private_hh, PERWT),
sector_male_other_industry = weighted.mean(sector_male_other_industry, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.gender.indgen.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_gender_indgen_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_gender_indgen, benin_gender_indgen_2013)
Variables disaggregated by age
Similarly I calculate the cross-products of the age variable with employment status, occupation and disaggregated sectors. I divide the sample into three age groups: youth (15-24), adults (25-54) and seniors (55-64), covering the entire span of working age population. For each of these three levels, I calculate the respective employment, occupation and sectoral shares.
only select the variable "EMPSTAT" in order to aggregate its shares at adm2 level
benin_age_empstat <- benin %>%
filter(!EMPSTAT == 0 & !EMPSTAT==9) %>%
mutate(youth_employment_yes = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 1 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_employment_no = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 2 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_employment_inactive = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 3 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
adult_employment_yes = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 1 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_employment_no = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 2 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_employment_inactive = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 3 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
senior_employment_yes = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 1 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_employment_no = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 2 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_employment_inactive = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 3 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0))
summarise for each district
benin_age_empstat_2013 <- benin_age_empstat %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(youth_employment_yes =weighted.mean(youth_employment_yes, PERWT),
youth_employment_no = weighted.mean(youth_employment_no,PERWT),
youth_employment_inactive = weighted.mean(youth_employment_inactive,PERWT),
adult_employment_yes =weighted.mean(adult_employment_yes, PERWT),
adult_employment_no = weighted.mean(adult_employment_no,PERWT),
adult_employment_inactive = weighted.mean(adult_employment_inactive,PERWT),
senior_employment_yes =weighted.mean(senior_employment_yes, PERWT),
senior_employment_no = weighted.mean(senior_employment_no,PERWT),
senior_employment_inactive = weighted.mean(senior_employment_inactive,PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.age.empstat.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_age_empstat_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_age_empstat, benin_age_empstat_2013)
only select the variable "OCCISCO" in order to aggregate its shares at adm2 level
benin_age_occisco <- benin %>%
filter(!OCCISCO == 99 & !OCCISCO==98 & !OCCISCO == 97) %>%
mutate(youth_occupation_legislators = ifelse(OCCISCO == 1 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_professionals = ifelse(OCCISCO == 2 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_technicians = ifelse(OCCISCO == 3 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_clerks = ifelse(OCCISCO == 4 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_services = ifelse(OCCISCO == 5 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_agrifish = ifelse(OCCISCO == 6 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_crafts = ifelse(OCCISCO == 7 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_plant = ifelse(OCCISCO == 8 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_elementary = ifelse(OCCISCO == 9 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_army = ifelse(OCCISCO == 10 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
youth_occupation_other = ifelse(OCCISCO == 11 & AGE < 25 & AGE > 14, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_legislators = ifelse(OCCISCO == 1 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_professionals = ifelse(OCCISCO == 2 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_technicians = ifelse(OCCISCO == 3 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_clerks = ifelse(OCCISCO == 4 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_services = ifelse(OCCISCO == 5 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_agrifish = ifelse(OCCISCO == 6 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_crafts = ifelse(OCCISCO == 7 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_plant = ifelse(OCCISCO == 8 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_elementary = ifelse(OCCISCO == 9 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_army = ifelse(OCCISCO == 10 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
adult_occupation_other = ifelse(OCCISCO == 11 & AGE < 55 & AGE > 24, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_legislators = ifelse(OCCISCO == 1 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_professionals = ifelse(OCCISCO == 2 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_technicians = ifelse(OCCISCO == 3 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_clerks = ifelse(OCCISCO == 4 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_services = ifelse(OCCISCO == 5 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_agrifish = ifelse(OCCISCO == 6 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_crafts = ifelse(OCCISCO == 7 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_plant = ifelse(OCCISCO == 8 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_elementary = ifelse(OCCISCO == 9 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_army = ifelse(OCCISCO == 10 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
senior_occupation_other = ifelse(OCCISCO == 11 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0))
summarise for each district
benin_age_occisco_2013 <- benin_age_occisco %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(youth_occupation_legislators = weighted.mean(youth_occupation_legislators, PERWT),
youth_occupation_professionals = weighted.mean(youth_occupation_professionals, PERWT),
youth_occupation_technicians = weighted.mean(youth_occupation_technicians, PERWT),
youth_occupation_clerks = weighted.mean(youth_occupation_clerks, PERWT),
youth_occupation_services =weighted.mean(youth_occupation_services, PERWT),
youth_occupation_agrifish =weighted.mean(youth_occupation_agrifish, PERWT),
youth_occupation_crafts = weighted.mean(youth_occupation_crafts, PERWT),
youth_occupation_plant = weighted.mean(youth_occupation_plant, PERWT),
youth_occupation_elementary = weighted.mean(youth_occupation_elementary, PERWT),
youth_occupation_army = weighted.mean(youth_occupation_army, PERWT),
youth_occupation_other = weighted.mean(youth_occupation_other, PERWT),
adult_occupation_legislators = weighted.mean(adult_occupation_legislators, PERWT),
adult_occupation_professionals = weighted.mean(adult_occupation_professionals, PERWT),
adult_occupation_technicians = weighted.mean(adult_occupation_technicians, PERWT),
adult_occupation_clerks = weighted.mean(adult_occupation_clerks, PERWT),
adult_occupation_services =weighted.mean(adult_occupation_services, PERWT),
adult_occupation_agrifish =weighted.mean(adult_occupation_agrifish, PERWT),
adult_occupation_crafts = weighted.mean(adult_occupation_crafts, PERWT),
adult_occupation_plant = weighted.mean(adult_occupation_plant, PERWT),
adult_occupation_elementary = weighted.mean(adult_occupation_elementary, PERWT),
adult_occupation_army = weighted.mean(adult_occupation_army, PERWT),
adult_occupation_other = weighted.mean(adult_occupation_other, PERWT),
senior_occupation_legislators = weighted.mean(senior_occupation_legislators, PERWT),
senior_occupation_professionals = weighted.mean(senior_occupation_professionals, PERWT),
senior_occupation_technicians = weighted.mean(senior_occupation_technicians, PERWT),
senior_occupation_clerks = weighted.mean(senior_occupation_clerks, PERWT),
senior_occupation_services =weighted.mean(senior_occupation_services, PERWT),
senior_occupation_agrifish =weighted.mean(senior_occupation_agrifish, PERWT),
senior_occupation_crafts = weighted.mean(senior_occupation_crafts, PERWT),
senior_occupation_plant = weighted.mean(senior_occupation_plant, PERWT),
senior_occupation_elementary = weighted.mean(senior_occupation_elementary, PERWT),
senior_occupation_army = weighted.mean(senior_occupation_army, PERWT),
senior_occupation_other = weighted.mean(senior_occupation_other, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.age.occisco.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_age_occisco_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_age_occisco, benin_age_occisco_2013)
benin_age_indgen <- benin %>%
filter(!INDGEN == 0 & !INDGEN == 998 & !INDGEN== 999) %>%
mutate(sector_youth_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_youth_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & AGE > 14 & AGE < 25, 1, 0),
sector_adult_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_adult_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & AGE > 24 & AGE < 55, 1, 0),
sector_senior_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0),
sector_senior_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & AGE > 54 & AGE < 65, 1, 0))
summarise for each district
benin_age_indgen_2013 <- benin_age_indgen %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(sector_youth_agriculture =weighted.mean(sector_youth_agriculture, PERWT),
sector_youth_mining =weighted.mean(sector_youth_mining, PERWT),
sector_youth_manufacturing =weighted.mean(sector_youth_manufacturing, PERWT),
sector_youth_utilities =weighted.mean(sector_youth_utilities, PERWT),
sector_youth_construction =weighted.mean(sector_youth_construction, PERWT),
sector_youth_trade =weighted.mean(sector_youth_trade, PERWT),
sector_youth_accommodation =weighted.mean(sector_youth_accommodation, PERWT),
sector_youth_transport =weighted.mean(sector_youth_transport, PERWT),
sector_youth_finance =weighted.mean(sector_youth_finance, PERWT),
sector_youth_public = weighted.mean(sector_youth_public, PERWT),
sector_youth_unspec_services = weighted.mean(sector_youth_unspec_services, PERWT),
sector_youth_business = weighted.mean(sector_youth_business, PERWT),
sector_youth_education = weighted.mean(sector_youth_education, PERWT),
sector_youth_health = weighted.mean(sector_youth_health, PERWT),
sector_youth_other_services = weighted.mean(sector_youth_other_services, PERWT),
sector_youth_private_hh = weighted.mean(sector_youth_private_hh, PERWT),
sector_youth_other_industry = weighted.mean(sector_youth_other_industry, PERWT),
sector_adult_agriculture =weighted.mean(sector_adult_agriculture, PERWT),
sector_adult_mining =weighted.mean(sector_adult_mining, PERWT),
sector_adult_manufacturing =weighted.mean(sector_adult_manufacturing, PERWT),
sector_adult_utilities =weighted.mean(sector_adult_utilities, PERWT),
sector_adult_construction =weighted.mean(sector_adult_construction, PERWT),
sector_adult_trade =weighted.mean(sector_adult_trade, PERWT),
sector_adult_accommodation =weighted.mean(sector_adult_accommodation, PERWT),
sector_adult_transport =weighted.mean(sector_adult_transport, PERWT),
sector_adult_finance =weighted.mean(sector_adult_finance, PERWT),
sector_adult_public = weighted.mean(sector_adult_public, PERWT),
sector_adult_unspec_services = weighted.mean(sector_adult_unspec_services, PERWT),
sector_adult_business = weighted.mean(sector_adult_business, PERWT),
sector_adult_education = weighted.mean(sector_adult_education, PERWT),
sector_adult_health = weighted.mean(sector_adult_health, PERWT),
sector_adult_other_services = weighted.mean(sector_adult_other_services, PERWT),
sector_adult_private_hh = weighted.mean(sector_adult_private_hh, PERWT),
sector_adult_other_industry = weighted.mean(sector_adult_other_industry, PERWT),
sector_senior_agriculture =weighted.mean(sector_senior_agriculture, PERWT),
sector_senior_mining =weighted.mean(sector_senior_mining, PERWT),
sector_senior_manufacturing =weighted.mean(sector_senior_manufacturing, PERWT),
sector_senior_utilities =weighted.mean(sector_senior_utilities, PERWT),
sector_senior_construction =weighted.mean(sector_senior_construction, PERWT),
sector_senior_trade =weighted.mean(sector_senior_trade, PERWT),
sector_senior_accommodation =weighted.mean(sector_senior_accommodation, PERWT),
sector_senior_transport =weighted.mean(sector_senior_transport, PERWT),
sector_senior_finance =weighted.mean(sector_senior_finance, PERWT),
sector_senior_public = weighted.mean(sector_senior_public, PERWT),
sector_senior_unspec_services = weighted.mean(sector_senior_unspec_services, PERWT),
sector_senior_business = weighted.mean(sector_senior_business, PERWT),
sector_senior_education = weighted.mean(sector_senior_education, PERWT),
sector_senior_health = weighted.mean(sector_senior_health, PERWT),
sector_senior_other_services = weighted.mean(sector_senior_other_services, PERWT),
sector_senior_private_hh = weighted.mean(sector_senior_private_hh, PERWT),
sector_senior_other_industry = weighted.mean(sector_senior_other_industry, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.age.indgen.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_age_indgen_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_age_indgen, benin_age_indgen_2013)
Variables disaggregated by migration status
I repeat the same exercise by interacting employment, occupation and sector with two categories of migration: migrant and native (i.e. non-migrant according to the definition of migration given above).
# only select the variable "EMPSTAT" in order to aggregate its shares at adm2 level
benin_migrant_empstat <- benin %>%
filter(!EMPSTAT == 0 & !EMPSTAT==9) %>%
mutate(migrant_employment_yes = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 1 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_employment_no = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 2 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_employment_inactive = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 3 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
native_employment_yes = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 1 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_employment_no = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 2 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_employment_inactive = ifelse(EMPSTAT == 3 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0))
# summarise for each district
benin_migrant_empstat_2013 <- benin_migrant_empstat %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(migrant_employment_yes =weighted.mean(migrant_employment_yes, PERWT),
migrant_employment_no = weighted.mean(migrant_employment_no,PERWT),
migrant_employment_inactive = weighted.mean(migrant_employment_inactive,PERWT),
native_employment_yes =weighted.mean(native_employment_yes, PERWT),
native_employment_no = weighted.mean(native_employment_no,PERWT),
native_employment_inactive = weighted.mean(native_employment_inactive,PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.migrant.empstat.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_migrant_empstat_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_migrant_empstat, benin_migrant_empstat_2013)
benin_migrant_occisco <- benin %>%
filter(!OCCISCO == 99 & !OCCISCO==98 & !OCCISCO == 97) %>%
mutate(migrant_occupation_legislators = ifelse(OCCISCO == 1 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_professionals = ifelse(OCCISCO == 2 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_technicians = ifelse(OCCISCO == 3 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_clerks = ifelse(OCCISCO == 4 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_services = ifelse(OCCISCO == 5 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_agrifish = ifelse(OCCISCO == 6 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_crafts = ifelse(OCCISCO == 7 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_plant = ifelse(OCCISCO == 8 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_elementary = ifelse(OCCISCO == 9 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_army = ifelse(OCCISCO == 10 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
migrant_occupation_other = ifelse(OCCISCO == 11 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
native_occupation_legislators = ifelse(OCCISCO == 1 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_professionals = ifelse(OCCISCO == 2 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_technicians = ifelse(OCCISCO == 3 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_clerks = ifelse(OCCISCO == 4 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_services = ifelse(OCCISCO == 5 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_agrifish = ifelse(OCCISCO == 6 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_crafts = ifelse(OCCISCO == 7 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_plant = ifelse(OCCISCO == 8 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_elementary = ifelse(OCCISCO == 9 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_army = ifelse(OCCISCO == 10 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
native_occupation_other = ifelse(OCCISCO == 11 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0))
# summarise for each district
benin_migrant_occisco_2013 <- benin_migrant_occisco %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(migrant_occupation_legislators = weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_legislators, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_professionals = weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_professionals, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_technicians = weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_technicians, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_clerks = weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_clerks, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_services =weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_services, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_agrifish =weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_agrifish, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_crafts = weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_crafts, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_plant = weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_plant, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_elementary = weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_elementary, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_army = weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_army, PERWT),
migrant_occupation_other = weighted.mean(migrant_occupation_other, PERWT),
native_occupation_legislators = weighted.mean(native_occupation_legislators, PERWT),
native_occupation_professionals = weighted.mean(native_occupation_professionals, PERWT),
native_occupation_technicians = weighted.mean(native_occupation_technicians, PERWT),
native_occupation_clerks = weighted.mean(native_occupation_clerks, PERWT),
native_occupation_services =weighted.mean(native_occupation_services, PERWT),
native_occupation_agrifish =weighted.mean(native_occupation_agrifish, PERWT),
native_occupation_crafts = weighted.mean(native_occupation_crafts, PERWT),
native_occupation_plant = weighted.mean(native_occupation_plant, PERWT),
native_occupation_elementary = weighted.mean(native_occupation_elementary, PERWT),
native_occupation_army = weighted.mean(native_occupation_army, PERWT),
native_occupation_other = weighted.mean(native_occupation_other, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.migrant.occisco.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_migrant_occisco_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_migrant_occisco, benin_migrant_occisco_2013)
benin_migrant_indgen <- benin %>%
filter(!INDGEN == 0 & !INDGEN == 998 & !INDGEN== 999) %>%
mutate(sector_migrant_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_migrant_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & MIGRATEP == 12 | MIGRATEP == 20 | MIGRATEP == 30, 1, 0),
sector_native_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0),
sector_native_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & MIGRATEP == 10 | MIGRATEP == 11, 1, 0))
# summarise for each district
benin_migrant_indgen_2013 <- benin_migrant_indgen %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(sector_migrant_agriculture =weighted.mean(sector_migrant_agriculture, PERWT),
sector_migrant_mining =weighted.mean(sector_migrant_mining, PERWT),
sector_migrant_manufacturing =weighted.mean(sector_migrant_manufacturing, PERWT),
sector_migrant_utilities =weighted.mean(sector_migrant_utilities, PERWT),
sector_migrant_construction =weighted.mean(sector_migrant_construction, PERWT),
sector_migrant_trade =weighted.mean(sector_migrant_trade, PERWT),
sector_migrant_accommodation =weighted.mean(sector_migrant_accommodation, PERWT),
sector_migrant_transport =weighted.mean(sector_migrant_transport, PERWT),
sector_migrant_finance =weighted.mean(sector_migrant_finance, PERWT),
sector_migrant_public = weighted.mean(sector_migrant_public, PERWT),
sector_migrant_unspec_services = weighted.mean(sector_migrant_unspec_services, PERWT),
sector_migrant_business = weighted.mean(sector_migrant_business, PERWT),
sector_migrant_education = weighted.mean(sector_migrant_education, PERWT),
sector_migrant_health = weighted.mean(sector_migrant_health, PERWT),
sector_migrant_other_services = weighted.mean(sector_migrant_other_services, PERWT),
sector_migrant_private_hh = weighted.mean(sector_migrant_private_hh, PERWT),
sector_migrant_other_industry = weighted.mean(sector_migrant_other_industry, PERWT),
sector_native_agriculture =weighted.mean(sector_native_agriculture, PERWT),
sector_native_mining =weighted.mean(sector_native_mining, PERWT),
sector_native_manufacturing =weighted.mean(sector_native_manufacturing, PERWT),
sector_native_utilities =weighted.mean(sector_native_utilities, PERWT),
sector_native_construction =weighted.mean(sector_native_construction, PERWT),
sector_native_trade =weighted.mean(sector_native_trade, PERWT),
sector_native_accommodation =weighted.mean(sector_native_accommodation, PERWT),
sector_native_transport =weighted.mean(sector_native_transport, PERWT),
sector_native_finance =weighted.mean(sector_native_finance, PERWT),
sector_native_public = weighted.mean(sector_native_public, PERWT),
sector_native_unspec_services = weighted.mean(sector_native_unspec_services, PERWT),
sector_native_business = weighted.mean(sector_native_business, PERWT),
sector_native_education = weighted.mean(sector_native_education, PERWT),
sector_native_health = weighted.mean(sector_native_health, PERWT),
sector_native_other_services = weighted.mean(sector_native_other_services, PERWT),
sector_native_private_hh = weighted.mean(sector_native_private_hh, PERWT),
sector_native_other_industry = weighted.mean(sector_native_other_industry, PERWT))
# Merge with calculated shares
benin.migrant.indgen.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_migrant_indgen_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_migrant_indgen, benin_migrant_indgen_2013)
Cross-products between sector and educational attainment
I compute similar cross-products for sector and educational attainment, in order to be able to examine the distribution of sectors across different levels of education.
benin_edu_indgen <- benin %>%
filter(!INDGEN == 0 & !INDGEN == 998 & !INDGEN== 999) %>%
mutate(edu_noprimary_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_noprimary_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & EDATTAIN == 1, 1, 0),
edu_primary_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_primary_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & EDATTAIN == 2, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_unspec_services= ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_secondary_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & EDATTAIN == 3, 1, 0),
edu_university_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_unspec_services= ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0),
edu_university_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & EDATTAIN == 4, 1, 0))
summarise for each district
benin_edu_indgen_2013 <- benin_edu_indgen %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(edu_noprimary_agriculture =weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_agriculture, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_mining =weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_mining, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_manufacturing =weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_manufacturing, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_utilities =weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_utilities, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_construction =weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_construction, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_trade =weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_trade, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_accommodation =weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_accommodation, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_transport =weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_transport, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_finance =weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_finance, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_public = weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_public, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_unspec_services = weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_unspec_services, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_business = weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_business, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_education = weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_education, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_health = weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_health, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_other_services = weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_other_services, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_private_hh = weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_private_hh, PERWT),
edu_noprimary_other_industry = weighted.mean(edu_noprimary_other_industry, PERWT),
edu_primary_agriculture =weighted.mean(edu_primary_agriculture, PERWT),
edu_primary_mining =weighted.mean(edu_primary_mining, PERWT),
edu_primary_manufacturing =weighted.mean(edu_primary_manufacturing, PERWT),
edu_primary_utilities =weighted.mean(edu_primary_utilities, PERWT),
edu_primary_construction =weighted.mean(edu_primary_construction, PERWT),
edu_primary_trade =weighted.mean(edu_primary_trade, PERWT),
edu_primary_accommodation =weighted.mean(edu_primary_accommodation, PERWT),
edu_primary_transport =weighted.mean(edu_primary_transport, PERWT),
edu_primary_finance =weighted.mean(edu_primary_finance, PERWT),
edu_primary_public = weighted.mean(edu_primary_public, PERWT),
edu_primary_unspec_services = weighted.mean(edu_primary_unspec_services, PERWT),
edu_primary_business = weighted.mean(edu_primary_business, PERWT),
edu_primary_education = weighted.mean(edu_primary_education, PERWT),
edu_primary_health = weighted.mean(edu_primary_health, PERWT),
edu_primary_other_services = weighted.mean(edu_primary_other_services, PERWT),
edu_primary_private_hh = weighted.mean(edu_primary_private_hh, PERWT),
edu_primary_other_industry = weighted.mean(edu_primary_other_industry, PERWT),
edu_secondary_agriculture =weighted.mean(edu_secondary_agriculture, PERWT),
edu_secondary_mining =weighted.mean(edu_secondary_mining, PERWT),
edu_secondary_manufacturing =weighted.mean(edu_secondary_manufacturing, PERWT),
edu_secondary_utilities =weighted.mean(edu_secondary_utilities, PERWT),
edu_secondary_construction =weighted.mean(edu_secondary_construction, PERWT),
edu_secondary_trade =weighted.mean(edu_secondary_trade, PERWT),
edu_secondary_accommodation =weighted.mean(edu_secondary_accommodation, PERWT),
edu_secondary_transport =weighted.mean(edu_secondary_transport, PERWT),
edu_secondary_finance =weighted.mean(edu_secondary_finance, PERWT),
edu_secondary_public = weighted.mean(edu_secondary_public, PERWT),
edu_secondary_unspec_services = weighted.mean(edu_secondary_unspec_services, PERWT),
edu_secondary_business = weighted.mean(edu_secondary_business, PERWT),
edu_secondary_education = weighted.mean(edu_secondary_education, PERWT),
edu_secondary_health = weighted.mean(edu_secondary_health, PERWT),
edu_secondary_other_services = weighted.mean(edu_secondary_other_services, PERWT),
edu_secondary_private_hh = weighted.mean(edu_secondary_private_hh, PERWT),
edu_secondary_other_industry = weighted.mean(edu_secondary_other_industry, PERWT),
edu_university_agriculture =weighted.mean(edu_university_agriculture, PERWT),
edu_university_mining =weighted.mean(edu_university_mining, PERWT),
edu_university_manufacturing =weighted.mean(edu_university_manufacturing, PERWT),
edu_university_utilities =weighted.mean(edu_university_utilities, PERWT),
edu_university_construction =weighted.mean(edu_university_construction, PERWT),
edu_university_trade =weighted.mean(edu_university_trade, PERWT),
edu_university_accommodation =weighted.mean(edu_university_accommodation, PERWT),
edu_university_transport =weighted.mean(edu_university_transport, PERWT),
edu_university_finance =weighted.mean(edu_university_finance, PERWT),
edu_university_public = weighted.mean(edu_university_public, PERWT),
edu_university_unspec_services = weighted.mean(edu_university_unspec_services, PERWT),
edu_university_business = weighted.mean(edu_university_business, PERWT),
edu_university_education = weighted.mean(edu_university_education, PERWT),
edu_university_health = weighted.mean(edu_university_health, PERWT),
edu_university_other_services = weighted.mean(edu_university_other_services, PERWT),
edu_university_private_hh = weighted.mean(edu_university_private_hh, PERWT),
edu_university_other_industry = weighted.mean(edu_university_other_industry, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares <- merge(, benin_edu_indgen_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_edu_indgen, benin_edu_indgen_2013)
Cross-products between sector and occupation
I compute similar cross-products for sector and occupation, in order to be able to analyse the distribution of occupational roles across sectors.
benin_occisco_indgen <- benin %>%
filter(!INDGEN == 0 & !INDGEN == 998 & !INDGEN== 999) %>%
mutate(legislators_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
legislators_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 1, 1, 0),
professionals_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
professionals_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 2, 1, 0),
technicians_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_unspec_services= ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
technicians_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 3, 1, 0),
clerks_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_unspec_services= ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
clerks_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 4, 1, 0),
services_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
services_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 5, 1, 0),
agrifish_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
agrifish_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 6, 1, 0),
crafts_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_unspec_services= ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
crafts_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 7, 1, 0),
plant_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_unspec_services= ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
plant_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 8, 1, 0),
elementary_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
elementary_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 9, 1, 0),
army_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_unspec_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
army_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 10, 1, 0),
other_agriculture = ifelse(INDGEN == 10 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_mining = ifelse(INDGEN == 20 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_manufacturing = ifelse(INDGEN == 30 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_utilities = ifelse(INDGEN == 40 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_construction = ifelse(INDGEN == 50 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_trade = ifelse(INDGEN == 60 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_accommodation = ifelse(INDGEN == 70 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_transport = ifelse(INDGEN == 80 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_finance = ifelse(INDGEN == 90 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_public = ifelse(INDGEN == 100 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_unspec_services= ifelse(INDGEN == 110 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_business = ifelse(INDGEN == 111 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_education = ifelse(INDGEN == 112 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_health = ifelse(INDGEN == 113 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_other_services = ifelse(INDGEN == 114 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_private_hh = ifelse(INDGEN == 120 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0),
other_other_industry = ifelse(INDGEN == 130 & OCCISCO == 11, 1, 0))
summarise for each district
benin_occisco_indgen_2013 <- benin_occisco_indgen %>%
filter(YEAR == 2013) %>%
group_by(GEOLEV2) %>%
summarise(legislators_agriculture =weighted.mean(legislators_agriculture, PERWT),
legislators_mining =weighted.mean(legislators_mining, PERWT),
legislators_manufacturing =weighted.mean(legislators_manufacturing, PERWT),
legislators_utilities =weighted.mean(legislators_utilities, PERWT),
legislators_construction =weighted.mean(legislators_construction, PERWT),
legislators_trade =weighted.mean(legislators_trade, PERWT),
legislators_accommodation =weighted.mean(legislators_accommodation, PERWT),
legislators_transport =weighted.mean(legislators_transport, PERWT),
legislators_finance =weighted.mean(legislators_finance, PERWT),
legislators_public = weighted.mean(legislators_public, PERWT),
legislators_unspec_services = weighted.mean(legislators_unspec_services, PERWT),
legislators_business = weighted.mean(legislators_business, PERWT),
legislators_education = weighted.mean(legislators_education, PERWT),
legislators_health = weighted.mean(legislators_health, PERWT),
legislators_other_services = weighted.mean(legislators_other_services, PERWT),
legislators_private_hh = weighted.mean(legislators_private_hh, PERWT),
legislators_other_industry = weighted.mean(legislators_other_industry, PERWT),
professionals_agriculture =weighted.mean(professionals_agriculture, PERWT),
professionals_mining =weighted.mean(professionals_mining, PERWT),
professionals_manufacturing =weighted.mean(professionals_manufacturing, PERWT),
professionals_utilities =weighted.mean(professionals_utilities, PERWT),
professionals_construction =weighted.mean(professionals_construction, PERWT),
professionals_trade =weighted.mean(professionals_trade, PERWT),
professionals_accommodation =weighted.mean(professionals_accommodation, PERWT),
professionals_transport =weighted.mean(professionals_transport, PERWT),
professionals_finance =weighted.mean(professionals_finance, PERWT),
professionals_public = weighted.mean(professionals_public, PERWT),
professionals_unspec_services = weighted.mean(professionals_unspec_services, PERWT),
professionals_business = weighted.mean(professionals_business, PERWT),
professionals_education = weighted.mean(professionals_education, PERWT),
professionals_health = weighted.mean(professionals_health, PERWT),
professionals_other_services = weighted.mean(professionals_other_services, PERWT),
professionals_private_hh = weighted.mean(professionals_private_hh, PERWT),
professionals_other_industry = weighted.mean(professionals_other_industry, PERWT),
technicians_agriculture =weighted.mean(technicians_agriculture, PERWT),
technicians_mining =weighted.mean(technicians_mining, PERWT),
technicians_manufacturing =weighted.mean(technicians_manufacturing, PERWT),
technicians_utilities =weighted.mean(technicians_utilities, PERWT),
technicians_construction =weighted.mean(technicians_construction, PERWT),
technicians_trade =weighted.mean(technicians_trade, PERWT),
technicians_accommodation =weighted.mean(technicians_accommodation, PERWT),
technicians_transport =weighted.mean(technicians_transport, PERWT),
technicians_finance =weighted.mean(technicians_finance, PERWT),
technicians_public = weighted.mean(technicians_public, PERWT),
technicians_unspec_services = weighted.mean(technicians_unspec_services, PERWT),
technicians_business = weighted.mean(technicians_business, PERWT),
technicians_education = weighted.mean(technicians_education, PERWT),
technicians_health = weighted.mean(technicians_health, PERWT),
technicians_other_services = weighted.mean(technicians_other_services, PERWT),
technicians_private_hh = weighted.mean(technicians_private_hh, PERWT),
technicians_other_industry = weighted.mean(technicians_other_industry, PERWT),
clerks_agriculture =weighted.mean(clerks_agriculture, PERWT),
clerks_mining =weighted.mean(clerks_mining, PERWT),
clerks_manufacturing =weighted.mean(clerks_manufacturing, PERWT),
clerks_utilities =weighted.mean(clerks_utilities, PERWT),
clerks_construction =weighted.mean(clerks_construction, PERWT),
clerks_trade =weighted.mean(clerks_trade, PERWT),
clerks_accommodation =weighted.mean(clerks_accommodation, PERWT),
clerks_transport =weighted.mean(clerks_transport, PERWT),
clerks_finance =weighted.mean(clerks_finance, PERWT),
clerks_public = weighted.mean(clerks_public, PERWT),
clerks_unspec_services = weighted.mean(clerks_unspec_services, PERWT),
clerks_business = weighted.mean(clerks_business, PERWT),
clerks_education = weighted.mean(clerks_education, PERWT),
clerks_health = weighted.mean(clerks_health, PERWT),
clerks_other_services = weighted.mean(clerks_other_services, PERWT),
clerks_private_hh = weighted.mean(clerks_private_hh, PERWT),
clerks_other_industry = weighted.mean(clerks_other_industry, PERWT),
services_agriculture =weighted.mean(services_agriculture, PERWT),
services_mining =weighted.mean(services_mining, PERWT),
services_manufacturing =weighted.mean(services_manufacturing, PERWT),
services_utilities =weighted.mean(services_utilities, PERWT),
services_construction =weighted.mean(services_construction, PERWT),
services_trade =weighted.mean(services_trade, PERWT),
services_accommodation =weighted.mean(services_accommodation, PERWT),
services_transport =weighted.mean(services_transport, PERWT),
services_finance =weighted.mean(services_finance, PERWT),
services_public = weighted.mean(services_public, PERWT),
services_unspec_services = weighted.mean(services_unspec_services, PERWT),
services_business = weighted.mean(services_business, PERWT),
services_education = weighted.mean(services_education, PERWT),
services_health = weighted.mean(services_health, PERWT),
services_other_services = weighted.mean(services_other_services, PERWT),
services_private_hh = weighted.mean(services_private_hh, PERWT),
services_other_industry = weighted.mean(services_other_industry, PERWT),
agrifish_agriculture =weighted.mean(agrifish_agriculture, PERWT),
agrifish_mining =weighted.mean(agrifish_mining, PERWT),
agrifish_manufacturing =weighted.mean(agrifish_manufacturing, PERWT),
agrifish_utilities =weighted.mean(agrifish_utilities, PERWT),
agrifish_construction =weighted.mean(agrifish_construction, PERWT),
agrifish_trade =weighted.mean(agrifish_trade, PERWT),
agrifish_accommodation =weighted.mean(agrifish_accommodation, PERWT),
agrifish_transport =weighted.mean(agrifish_transport, PERWT),
agrifish_finance =weighted.mean(agrifish_finance, PERWT),
agrifish_public = weighted.mean(agrifish_public, PERWT),
agrifish_unspec_services = weighted.mean(agrifish_unspec_services, PERWT),
agrifish_business = weighted.mean(agrifish_business, PERWT),
agrifish_education = weighted.mean(agrifish_education, PERWT),
agrifish_health = weighted.mean(agrifish_health, PERWT),
agrifish_other_services = weighted.mean(agrifish_other_services, PERWT),
agrifish_private_hh = weighted.mean(agrifish_private_hh, PERWT),
agrifish_other_industry = weighted.mean(agrifish_other_industry, PERWT),
crafts_agriculture =weighted.mean(crafts_agriculture, PERWT),
crafts_mining =weighted.mean(crafts_mining, PERWT),
crafts_manufacturing =weighted.mean(crafts_manufacturing, PERWT),
crafts_utilities =weighted.mean(crafts_utilities, PERWT),
crafts_construction =weighted.mean(crafts_construction, PERWT),
crafts_trade =weighted.mean(crafts_trade, PERWT),
crafts_accommodation =weighted.mean(crafts_accommodation, PERWT),
crafts_transport =weighted.mean(crafts_transport, PERWT),
crafts_finance =weighted.mean(crafts_finance, PERWT),
crafts_public = weighted.mean(crafts_public, PERWT),
crafts_unspec_services = weighted.mean(crafts_unspec_services, PERWT),
crafts_business = weighted.mean(crafts_business, PERWT),
crafts_education = weighted.mean(crafts_education, PERWT),
crafts_health = weighted.mean(crafts_health, PERWT),
crafts_other_services = weighted.mean(crafts_other_services, PERWT),
crafts_private_hh = weighted.mean(crafts_private_hh, PERWT),
crafts_other_industry = weighted.mean(crafts_other_industry, PERWT),
plant_agriculture =weighted.mean(plant_agriculture, PERWT),
plant_mining =weighted.mean(plant_mining, PERWT),
plant_manufacturing =weighted.mean(plant_manufacturing, PERWT),
plant_utilities =weighted.mean(plant_utilities, PERWT),
plant_construction =weighted.mean(plant_construction, PERWT),
plant_trade =weighted.mean(plant_trade, PERWT),
plant_accommodation =weighted.mean(plant_accommodation, PERWT),
plant_transport =weighted.mean(plant_transport, PERWT),
plant_finance =weighted.mean(plant_finance, PERWT),
plant_public = weighted.mean(plant_public, PERWT),
plant_unspec_services = weighted.mean(plant_unspec_services, PERWT),
plant_business = weighted.mean(plant_business, PERWT),
plant_education = weighted.mean(plant_education, PERWT),
plant_health = weighted.mean(plant_health, PERWT),
plant_other_services = weighted.mean(plant_other_services, PERWT),
plant_private_hh = weighted.mean(plant_private_hh, PERWT),
plant_other_industry = weighted.mean(plant_other_industry, PERWT),
elementary_agriculture =weighted.mean(elementary_agriculture, PERWT),
elementary_mining =weighted.mean(elementary_mining, PERWT),
elementary_manufacturing =weighted.mean(elementary_manufacturing, PERWT),
elementary_utilities =weighted.mean(elementary_utilities, PERWT),
elementary_construction =weighted.mean(elementary_construction, PERWT),
elementary_trade =weighted.mean(elementary_trade, PERWT),
elementary_accommodation =weighted.mean(elementary_accommodation, PERWT),
elementary_transport =weighted.mean(elementary_transport, PERWT),
elementary_finance =weighted.mean(elementary_finance, PERWT),
elementary_public = weighted.mean(elementary_public, PERWT),
elementary_unspec_services = weighted.mean(elementary_unspec_services, PERWT),
elementary_business = weighted.mean(elementary_business, PERWT),
elementary_education = weighted.mean(elementary_education, PERWT),
elementary_health = weighted.mean(elementary_health, PERWT),
elementary_other_services = weighted.mean(elementary_other_services, PERWT),
elementary_private_hh = weighted.mean(elementary_private_hh, PERWT),
elementary_other_industry = weighted.mean(elementary_other_industry, PERWT),
army_agriculture =weighted.mean(army_agriculture, PERWT),
army_mining =weighted.mean(army_mining, PERWT),
army_manufacturing =weighted.mean(army_manufacturing, PERWT),
army_utilities =weighted.mean(army_utilities, PERWT),
army_construction =weighted.mean(army_construction, PERWT),
army_trade =weighted.mean(army_trade, PERWT),
army_accommodation =weighted.mean(army_accommodation, PERWT),
army_transport =weighted.mean(army_transport, PERWT),
army_finance =weighted.mean(army_finance, PERWT),
army_public = weighted.mean(army_public, PERWT),
army_unspec_services = weighted.mean(army_unspec_services, PERWT),
army_business = weighted.mean(army_business, PERWT),
army_education = weighted.mean(army_education, PERWT),
army_health = weighted.mean(army_health, PERWT),
army_other_services = weighted.mean(army_other_services, PERWT),
army_private_hh = weighted.mean(army_private_hh, PERWT),
army_other_industry = weighted.mean(army_other_industry, PERWT),
other_agriculture =weighted.mean(other_agriculture, PERWT),
other_mining =weighted.mean(other_mining, PERWT),
other_manufacturing =weighted.mean(other_manufacturing, PERWT),
other_utilities =weighted.mean(other_utilities, PERWT),
other_construction =weighted.mean(other_construction, PERWT),
other_trade =weighted.mean(other_trade, PERWT),
other_accommodation =weighted.mean(other_accommodation, PERWT),
other_transport =weighted.mean(other_transport, PERWT),
other_finance =weighted.mean(other_finance, PERWT),
other_public = weighted.mean(other_public, PERWT),
other_unspec_services = weighted.mean(other_unspec_services, PERWT),
other_business = weighted.mean(other_business, PERWT),
other_education = weighted.mean(other_education, PERWT),
other_health = weighted.mean(other_health, PERWT),
other_other_services = weighted.mean(other_other_services, PERWT),
other_private_hh = weighted.mean(other_private_hh, PERWT),
other_other_industry = weighted.mean(other_other_industry, PERWT))
Merge with calculated shares
benin.occisco.indgen.2013.spatial <- merge(, benin_occisco_indgen_2013, by = "GEOLEV2")
rm(benin_occisco_indgen, benin_occisco_indgen_2013)
Merging all together
Here, I merge all spatially explicit datasets together using their geography as the ID
variable, in order to obtain a dataset with administrative units as observational units and the calculated
shares as variables. Datasets constructed this way will have a large horizontal dimension, with each
column corresponding to a variable.
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.pop.2013.spatial, sf::st_drop_geometry(, by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(, by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.nchild.2013.spatial), by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.nchlt5.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.age.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(,by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.marst.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.chborn.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.chsurv.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.births.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.birthsurv.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.mortmot.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.religion.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.ethnic.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.lang.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(,by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.lit.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.edattain.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.yrschool.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.empstat.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.labforce.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.occisco.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.sectors.2013.spatial), by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.indgen.2013.spatial), by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.migratep.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.gender.empstat.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.gender.occisco.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.gender.indgen.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.age.empstat.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.age.occisco.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.age.indgen.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.migrant.empstat.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.migrant.occisco.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.migrant.indgen.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(,by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
benin.spatial.2013 <- merge(benin.spatial.2013, sf::st_drop_geometry(benin.occisco.indgen.2013.spatial),by = c("CNTRY_NAME", "ADMIN_NAME", "GEOLEV2"))
Night Lights Aggregation
Once the various spatial datasets have been merged together, raster datasets can be aggregated to the whole matrix. Here, I do not need to dummify categories nor to collapse data from the individual level to the geographic level of choice. It suffices to extract the raster values to the desired administrative units by choosing the needed mathematical operator. I compute both the mean level and the Sum of Lights for each district.
NTL2013 <- raster::raster("~/Dropbox/Work/RA/services micro ssa/Lorenzo_RA_Work/NTL/F182013.v4/F182013.v4c_web.stable_lights.avg_vis.tif")
benin.spatial.2013 <- benin.spatial.2013 %>%
mutate(ntl_mean=exactextractr::exact_extract(NTL2013, benin.spatial.2013, "mean"),
ntl_sum=exactextractr::exact_extract(NTL2013, benin.spatial.2013, "sum"))
I plot the SoL for Benin in 2013, highlighting how the capital city and in general the southernmost (comparatively service-rich) regions are at the right tail of the nightlights distribution. This fact seems to confirm the correlation between developed economic activity and nightlights.
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = benin.spatial.2013$geometry) +
geom_sf(data = benin.spatial.2013, aes(fill=ntl_sum)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "viridis") + theme_void()
LSE, Department of Geography and Environment; Grantham Research Institute for Climate Change and the Environment;