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The ‘Europe in the world’ research area ties the study of European and EU external relations, power, strategy, actors, institutions and ideational compositions with changes and challenges in global politics. We scrutinise primarily (i) the national and European levels, questioning what Europe stands for both through the lens of political elites but also the public, (ii) the inter-regional level, situating Europe in the world, comparing it to other regional experiences, (iii) the global level, disentangling global, international and transnational influences coming from the world to Europe and vice versa and (iv) how these different levels are interconnected.
Scholars working in this research area seek to integrate theoretical and conceptual insights from a wide range of perspectives in international relations, political science, sociology, history, regional area studies, and international law, with politically relevant empirical analysis. They contribute to the theoretical and political debates on European and international affairs, questions about a changing global or international order, and how unified and autonomous the European voice really is. They engage with key areas of European external affairs and addresses some of the big questions confronting Europe and the EU in the decades ahead.
The ‘Europe in the World’ research area’s vision is to bring together early-career and established scholars and practitioners in the field, both from within and outside the European University Institute, and to generate cutting-edge, innovative and widely-read research through its workshops, conferences, research, seminars, and publications.
Stephanie Hofmann
Professor, Director of the Europe in the World research area, Joint Chair in International Relations between the Department of Political and Social Science and Robert Schuman Centre
Stephanie Hofmann
Full-time Professor - Joint Chair
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Full-time Professor - Joint Chair
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Fabrizio Coticchia
Visiting Fellow
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Nele Kortendiek
Max Weber Fellow
Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies
Max Weber Fellow
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Christian Kreuder-Sonnen
Jean Monnet Fellow
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Raffaele Mastrorocco
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Giulio Pugliese
Part-time Professor
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Simone Tholens
Part-time Assistant Professor
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Programme Associates:
Maria Giulia Amadio Vicerè, EUI
Silvia, D’Amato, EUI
Julia Gray, EUI
Ada Sophia Hahn, EUI
Yoram Haftel, EUI
Michal Onderco, EUI
Monika Ewa Sus, EUI