The team

Stephanie Hofmann

Full-time Professor - Joint Chair

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Full-time Professor - Joint Chair

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

Contact info

[+39] 055 4685 985


Villa Schifanoia, VS049

Working languages

German, French, English


Stephanie Hofmann holds the Joint Chair in International Relations between the Department of Political and Social Science and Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies and is Director of the Europe in the World research area at the Robert Schuman Centre.

Most of her research revolves around dense governance spaces, organisational expressions of multilateralism, national preference formation on foreign and security policy issues and global ordering processes. In terms of issue areas, she mainly focuses on crisis management and cyberspace, but is also interested in the nexus between security and economic policy issues. While she has worked a lot on European and transatlantic organisations, she also has worked on the AU, the OAS, the UN and ad hoc coalitions.

Her work has been published, among others, with Cambridge University Press and journals such as Cooperation and Conflict, European Journal of International Relations, International Affairs, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Peace Research, Perspectives on Politics, Review of International Political Economy and West European Politics. She also frequently participates in public events related to Global Governance, European/Transatlantic Security, and Cyberspace.

Professor Hofmann is associate editor of the Journal of International Relations and Development, and sits on the editorial boards of the European Journal of International Relations, the European Journal of Political Issues, the Review of International Studies, and Security Studies. She is on the advisory boards of the Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik at the Universität Hamburg, and the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin. Since 2019, she has been member of the selection committee of the John McCain Dissertation Award of the Munich Security Conference.


Curriculum vitae: Stephanie Hofmann CV


Some recent publications 


  • Hofmann, Stephanie C. and Christian Kreuder-Sonnen. “Handlungsfähige gesucht: Krisen- und Kontestationmanagement internationaler Organisationen.“ Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen.
  • Hofmann, Stephanie C., Yuqian Cai, Laura Gomez-Mera, Tamar Gutner, Matias Margulis, Diana Panke, Berthold Rittberger, Sören Stapel, Matthew Stephen, Moritz Weiss. “Introducing organizational (dis)entanglements: making sense of how scholarship on regime complexity and power rivalries helps make sense of international order-making” in International Studies Review.
  • Mader, Matthias, Moritz Neubert, Felix Münchow, Stephanie C. Hofmann, Harald Schoen, and Konstantin Gavras. “Crumbling in the face of cost? How cost considerations affect public support for European security and defence cooperation.” European Union Politics.


  • Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Mette and Stephanie C. Hofmann, eds. “Accountability in Densely Institutionalized Governance Spaces” in Global Policy, (pp. 103-148), special section.
  • Hoeffler, Catherine and Stephanie C. Hofmann. “Bureaucratic Empowerment and Organizational Overlap.” Journal of Common Market Studies 62, 5: 1260-1277. 
  • Hoeffler, Catherine, Stephanie C. Hofmann and Frédéric Mérand. “The polycrisis and EU security and defence competences.” Journal of European Public Policy 31, 10: 3224-3248.
  • Hofmann, Stephanie C. and Andrew Yeo. “Historical Institutionalism and Institutional Design: Divergent Pathways to Regime Complexes in Asia and Europe.” European Journal of International Relations 30,2: 306-332.
  • Hofmann, Stephanie C. “Dialectic order-making through ambiguity: Contestation is the norm in collective security.” Global Studies Quarterly 4,2:
  • Mader, Matthias, Konstantin Gravas, Stephanie Hofmann, Jason Reifler, Harald Schön and Catarina Thompson. “International threats and support for European security and defence integration: Evidence from 25 countries.” European Journal of Political Research 63, 7: 433-454. Featured in “Does public support for EU defence cooperation give a mandate for costly integration?” LSE EUROPP,
  • Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Mette and Stephanie C. Hofmann. “Accountability in Densely Institutionalized Governance Spaces.” Global Policy 15: 103-113.
  • Hofmann, Stephanie C., John Karlsrud and Yf Reykers. “Ad hoc coalitions, international organizations and accountability in peace operations.” Global Policy 15: 121-127.


  • Hofmann, Stephanie C. and Patryk Pawlak. “Governing Cyberspace: Policy Boundary Politics Across Organizations.” Review of International Political Economy 30, 6: 2122-2149.
  • Hofmann, Stephanie C., Anamarija Andreska, Erna Burai, Juanita Uribe. “Porous Boundaries and Associated States: Introducing Memberness in International Organizations.” European Journal of International Relations 29, 4: 929-959.
  • Reykers, Yf, John Karlsrud, Malte Brosig, Stephanie Hofmann, Cristina Maglia and Pernille Rieker. “Ad hoc coalitions in global governance: short notice, task and time-specific cooperation.” International Affairs 99, 2: 727-745.


Research & Teaching Interests

International Organisations & Multilateralisms | International & Domestic Politics Nexus | Global Ordering | Political Parties & Public Opinion | Norms, Ideologies, Strategies | The Politics of Policy Boundaries | Security

Fields of expertise

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