
Erik Jones
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Villa Schifanoia, VS035
Working languages
English, Italian
Recent research output
- DASSÙ, Marta; JONES, Erik, Transatlantic economic relations : opportunities and alternatives - Other
- JONES, Erik, Trump, trade, and investment - Article
- JONES, Erik; VILLAFRANCA, Antonio, Political instability in Europe : a critical juncture for France and Germany - Contribution to book
- JONES, Erik, Trump, comercio e inversión - Article
- GUERRIERI, Paolo; JONES, Erik; SGROI, Maurizio; MENOTTI, Roberto, I rapporti economici Europa-Stati Uniti alla luce del voto europeo (giugno 2024) e americano (novembre 2024) - Technical Report
- JONES, Erik, Trump vince gli scontenti : siamo entrati in una fase di turbolenza per le democrazie occidentali - Article
- JONES, Erik, Reconectando el Banco Central Europeo - Article
- JONES, Erik, Rewiring the European Central Bank - Article
- JONES, Erik; UNDERHILL, Geoffrey, Europe after the crises : toward an optimum financial area? - Article
- ANGHEL, Veronica; JONES, Erik, The geopolitics of EU enlargement : from club to commons - Article