Past Fellows
My time at the Global Governance Programme and the Robert Schuman Centre was invaluable. It remains to be the key point in my life where I was able to reach intellectual maturity. Excellent research facilities, scholars from around the world, and the Fiesole hillside make for an ideal place to thrive academically and make wonderful memories to cherish.
Aydin Baris Yildirim
Thank to ‘Europe in the World’ research area of the Global Governance Programme and the Robert Schuman Centre, I had the possibility to present my work in front of a multidisciplinary audience of scholars and experts in the field. The variety of expertise allowed me to refine and significantly strengthen my research.
Silvia D’Amato
The Global Governance Programme offers the perfect experience for scholars who want a stimulating academic environment with the potential to have impact. I loved the interactions between different disciplines, on topics ranging from robot rights, to blockchain governance, to the emerging Chinese Social Credit System. Touching upon fundamental questions while looking towards the future.
Wessel Reijers
Marie Curie Fellows
- Hugo Meijer, WESTRAT – Western Strategies in East Asia: The Reconfiguration of US, British and French Security Policies in the ‘Pacific Century’ (September 2017 – February 2019 & February 2020 – September 2020)
- Luigi Achilli, MAPS – Migrants and People Smugglers: A Comparative Study on Smuggling Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Central American Corridors (September 2017 – August 2020)
- Margot Salomon, Legal rights and the political economy of debt and austerity in Europe (August 2017 – July 2018)
- Francesca Scrinzi, Migration, religion and work in comparative perspective: Evangelical ‘ethnic churches’ in Southern Europe (September 2015 – June 2018)
- Michele Nori, Patterns of pastoral migrations in the Mediterranean region (September 2014 – October 2017)
- Agnieszka Weinar, European emigration governance: Emigration and diaspora policies and discourses in the post) crisis era (December 2014 – October 2017)
- Neil Howard, The anti-politics of anti-trafficking: A comparative study of anti-trafficking policy and practice in Benin and Italy (May 2013 – May 2016)
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2018-2019
- Olga Bertelsen, Harvard University, JMF: ‘The Russian Security Services and US National Security’
- Cosimo Beverelli, WTO, JMF: ‘Global Value Chains and Labour Market Polarization’
- Jasper Chalcraft, EUI, JMF: ‘Governing Heritage and Making Minorities: Transnational uses of difficult and endangered heritage
- Silvia D’Amato, James Madison University, MWF: Europe in the World (For two years until 2020)
- Nicholas Dines, EUI, JMF: ‘Rethinking Cultural Pluralism from the Global South: Diversity management regimes in Rabat/Casablanca and Cape Town’
- Madalina Dobrescu, College of Europe Natolin, MWF: Europe in the World
- Mette EilstrupP-SANGIOVANNI, University of Cambridge, JMF: ‘Institutional Design and Political Dynamics of Trans-Governmental Networks’ (For two years until 2020)
- Julian Hinz, Keil Institute for the World Economy, MWF: Europe in the World
- Kristy Hughes, University of Cambridge, JMF: ‘The Human Rights of Migrants: EU nationals in the EU post-Brexit’
- Iakovos Iakovidis, Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs: ‘The Role of Religiion in International Relations’
- Wessel Reijers, Dublin City University, MWF: Citizenship and Migration (For two years until 2020)
- Onur Tas, TOBB University Ankara, JMF: ‘How Efficient is EU Public Procurement? Analysis of competition and collusion’
- Aydin Baris Yildrim, University of Antwerp, MWF: ‘Domestic Politics of International Cooperation: Untangling firms’ impact on global rules and standards’
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2017-2018
- Jasper Chalcraft, University of Sussex, JMF: ‘Heritages of Dissent: How migrants and minorities negotiate Europe’s plural pasts’
- Vivian Gerrand, Victoria University, MWF: ‘The Role of Image-Making in the Prevention of Violent Extremism in the Twenty-First Century’
- Naoko Hosokawa, Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS, MWF: ‘National and Regional identities in media Discourse: An empirical analysis of contemporary perceptions of ‘Asia’ and ‘Europe’
- Mareike Kleine, LSE, JMF: ‘Historical narratives of victimhood and international cooperation’
- Robin Markwica, Oxford University, MWF: ‘When Rivals Fight’
- Aydin Baris Yildirim, University of Antwerp, MWF: ‘Domestic Politics of International Cooperation: Untangling firms’ impact on global rules and standards’ (for two years until 2019)
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2016-2017
- Ian Cooper, University of Cambridge, JMF: ‘Integration, Governance & Democracy’
- Gary Winslett, Boston College, MWF: ‘Regulatory trade barriers
- Alexander Katsaitis, University of Oslo, MWF, Legal, Political and Social Theory’
- Johann Robert Basedow, London School of Economics, MWF: ‘International regulatory cooperation and the future of multilateralism’
- Andreas Gofas, Panteion University of Athens, JMF: ’21st Century World Politics & Europe’
- Anirudh Shingal, World Trade Institute (WTI), University of Bern, JMF: ‘Integration, Governance & Democracy’
- James Renton, Edge Hill University, JMF: ‘The European Idea of the Middle East and the Question of Power in the 21st Century’
- Ayhan Kaya, Istanbul Bilgi University, JMF: ‘Integration, Governance & Democracy’
- Matteo Faini, MWF: Europe in the World
- Monika Ewa Sus, JMF: 21st Century World Politics & Europe
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2015-2016
- Sylvanus Afesorgbor: ‘Aarhus University Economic Sanctions, International Trade and Political Regimes’
- Heather Grabbe: ‘Inside the Black Box: Policy-Making and Politicisation of Free Movement of Persons in the EU’
- Aitana Guia: ‘York University (Toronto) Nativism, Human Rights, and the New Discourses of Xenophobia in Southern Europe’
- Nadav Kedem: ‘University of Haifa Status-Seeking by European Powers’
- Tobias Lenz: ‘Georg-August University of Göttingen Under What Conditions Do Regional Organizations Evolve Institutionally?’
- James Reilly: ‘Chinese Carrots and Sticks: Beijing’s Economic Statecraft in Europe’
- Lora Anne Viola: ‘Groupification‘ and the Transformation of Governance Institutions’
- Konstantin Vössing: ‘The Formation of Public Opinion about European Integration’
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2014-2015
- Fabrizio Coticchia: ‘European Military Transformation in Comparative Perspective’
- Sandra Destradi: ‘Reluctant Hegemons: Explaining India’s and Germany’s Approaches to Regional Governance’
- Masha Hedberg: ‘State Authority or Self-Reliance: Explaining New Modes of Governance in Post-Communist Countries’
- Sabrina Marchetti: ‘The New Global Governance of Paid Domestic Work’
- Timea Pal: ‘Global Governance of Labor and Environment: Understanding Public-Private Regulatory Complementarities’
- Geraldo Vidigal: ‘Reparation versus Retaliation: Remedies and Compliance in Global Economic Governance’
- Philip Schleifer: ‘Governing Global Agriculture: The Diffusion and Design of Private Rule-Making Organisations’
- Bin Ye: ‘EU – China FTA: A New and Stable Basis to Manage and Improve EU – China Trade Relations?’
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2013-2014
- Kristina Czura: ‘Microfinance Products and Clients’ Preferences’
- Jan Dobbernack: ‘Muscular liberalisms. On the rhetoric and practice of Muslim incorporation in Europe’
- Aris Georgopoulos: ‘International Trade and Public Procurement Regulation’
- Hiroyuki Ishimatsu: ‘Sympathy and Immigrations in Europe’
- Olayinka Idowu Kareem: ‘The EU Technical Barriers to Trade and Africas Exports: Evidence from Product Standard’
- Lei Liu: ‘Production-Based or Consumption-Based: The Allocation of CO2 Emissions Embodied in International Trade’
- Mary Anne Madeira: ‘Intra-Industry Trade, Political Institutions, and Levels of Protection in OECD Countries’
- Sabrina Marchetti: ‘Multi-layered Governance of East-West European Migration: The Case of Eastern European Care workers in the City of Reggio Emilia’
- Timea Pal: ‘Environmental Governance of Global Supply Chains: Understanding Regulatory Complementarities’
- Andrea Renda: ‘The Interface between Private Regulation and Ex Ante Policy Appraisal’
- Francisco J. Rodríguez: ‘The roots of the European model: the evolving relationship between social cohesion, democracy and poverty’
- Vanessa Valero: ‘Public Procurement under Risky Environment: Theory and Application to the European Energy Policy’
- Aleksandar Zaklan: ‘Firm Behavior under the Climate Constraint Evidence from the European Union’s Emissions Trading System’
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2012-2013
- Julie Bailleux: ‘Law Beyond States: Transnational Jurist Networks in the Making of a Global Rule of Law’
- Lisa Clarke: ‘Public-Private Partnerships in the International Legal Order’
- Patrycja Karolina Dabrowska-Klosinska: ‘Global Safety Governance and Human Rights: An Analysis of EU, US and International Law/Measures Aimed at Preventing Bio-terrorism’
- Marc DeVore: ‘Arms Production in a Global World: Multinational Corporations, International Organizations and the New Face of Security Governance’
- Roberto Dominguez: ‘Regional Security Governance in Latin America’
- Laarni Escresa: ‘Reputation as Mechanism for Compliance in International Law’
- Antara Haldar, Columbia University: ‘Rethinking Law and Development’
- Pablo Iglesias Rodriguez: ‘The Role of the European Union in Global Financial Networks: Legal, Political and Economic Perspectives’
- Nikolas Rajkovic: ‘Global Law as Legalpolitik: An Inquiry into International Rule ‘through’ Law’
- Andrea Renda: ‘The Interface between Private Regulation and Ex Ante Policy Appraisal’ – continued in 2013-2014
- Aleksandar Zaklan: ‘Firm Behavior under the Climate Constraint Evidence from the European Union’s Emissions Trading System’ – continued in 2013-2014
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2011-2012
- Alessandra Arcuri: ‘The Public Dimensions of Private Regulatory Regimes in the Area of Social Regulation’
- Rosa Julieta Castro: ‘Governing Global Health: Access to Biomedical Patents and Materials’
- Cristina Dallara: ‘Transnational Judicial Networks (TransJudNets): New Actors for a Global Governance of Justice?’
- Marc DeVore: ‘Arms Production in a Global World: Multinational Corporations, International Organizations and the New Face of Security Governance’
- Luc Fransen: ‘Coordination Programs in Transnational Private Governance Fields: A Solution to Private Regulatory Competition?’
- Grégoire Mallard: ‘Observing Treaty Negotiations in Practice: The Creation of a Regional Nuclear Fuel Cycle in the Middle East’
- Andrea Renda: ‘The Interface between Private Regulation and Ex Ante Policy Appraisal’
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2010-2011
- Turkuler Isiksel: ‘Citizens of a New Agora: International Economic Institutions and the Untold Story of Post-national Citizenship’
- Gaby Umbach: ‘Global Policy Crises and Institutional Responses off the Early 21st Century’
- Stepan Wood: ‘ISO 26000 and the Legitimation of Transnational Governance Authority in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility’
Jean Monnet Fellows and Max Weber Fellows 2009-2010
- Melanie Antoniou: ‘Multilateralism between ‘Legal Power Europe’ and US’s Grand Strategy’
- Saida El Boudouhi: ‘Comparing International Dispute Settlement Systems through the Lense of the National Margin of Appreciation’
- Girish Kumar: ‘WTO, TRIPS and South Asia: Internalisation of TRIPS and the Problem of Access to Medicines’
- Sarah Helen McLaughlin: ‘Building Efficient Compliance Mechanisms in the Area of Trade: A Comparative Analysis of the EU and WTO’