Multimedia Resources
EU and Trade Policy Coherence at Times of COVID19 | 18 May 2020
On 18 May 2020, the RESPECT project, led by Prof. Bernard Hoekman, hosted an online panel which discussed patterns and prospects of trade policy strategies since the COVID19 crisis outbreak. Panelists focused on trade policy responses in Europe, their coherence across EU Member States and EU institutions, their implications for business, and their impact on developing countries.
Speakers: Simon Evenett (University of St Gallen and Director, Global Trade Alert), Laura Puccio (Research Fellow, EUI), Pamela Coke-Hamilton (Director, International Trade and Commodities, UNCTAD), and Klemens Kober (DIHK Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag).
‘What a Border-full World’: COVID-19 and the Dilemma of Thick or Thin Citizenship
To curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, governments worldwide have undertaken measures that radically disrupted human mobility, such as the sealing of national borders, mass evacuations and quarantines. Who are affected and in what ways?
In this talk, Jelena Dzankic and Lorenzo Piccoli from the Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT) use their original global dataset of COVID-19 travel restrictions to discuss how public responses to the pandemic challenge our thinking about the meaning and purposes of citizenship. More research on citizenship and the effects of the COVID-19 crisis can be found on GLOBALCIT’s website here.
The GREASE Project Films
The GREASE (Radicalisation, Secularism and the Governance of Religion: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives) project presents its two films named ‘Religion and Society – How Faith Fits in Around the World’ and ‘Countering Religious Extremism – Pathways to Peace’.
Shot in seven countries on four continents, these documentaries open windows on the complex topics of religious diversity governance and preventing religiously oriented radicalisation.
Both films are appropriate for general audiences and accessible in three languages (English narration with subtitles available in French and Italian).
Is the Global Governance Programme Global? | Short Video: EU-Asia Research on Global Trade
Ten years ago the Global Governance Programme was launched in response to a growing need for global governance in an ever more interconnected and multipolar world. Today we find ourselves amid a backlash against globalisation: rising populism, tensions between great powers and a global environmental crisis. But we have a timely response to this rapidly changing situation?
The answer is yes. Our Global Economics team focuses on policy-relevant analysis of the world economy, with an empirical approach that goes beyond Europe. This short video collage describes three of the programme’s activities related to EU-Asia global trade research.
The WTO as a Cornerstone of the Post-COVID19 Relaunch of the Global Economy
The WTO was in need of an update even before Covid19 began to dominate the agenda – but the epidemic has just made it more obvious that we need to strengthen international cooperation and make it more efficient. Without a functioning and predictable trading system, the mitigation of the Corona Crisis, and the recovery from the economic fallout will be much more difficult.
This video was recorded during an online discussion organised by Bertelsmann Stiftung’s Global Economic Dynamics (GED) project on a number of contributions to the debate on WTO reform. Participants in the webinar, which took place on 16 April, were Bernard Hoekman, Petros Mavroidis, and Robert Wolfe.
Rules of Origin: Interview Series by UNCTAD and EUI
The Global Economics team at the Global Governance Programme (GGP) has initiated a video series on ‘Rules of Origin’ and international trade. Hosted by the Schuman Centre, it comprises of interviews led by Mr. Stefano Inama, Chief, Technical Assistance and Enhanced Integrated Framework Section at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). This video series aims to bring to all stakeholders, in particular the private sector, governments, international organisations, academia and the general public, the issues at stake, the recent developments and valuable research.
The episodes currently available are: (1) Introduction to Rules of Origin; (2) LDCs, Duty-Free & Quota-Free Market Access; (3) The Private Sector with Pier Paolo Ghetti, Deloitte; (4) Multilateral Discipline