Citizenship legislation and its impact on migrants: the Luxembourg laws of 2008 and 2017

April 20, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Europe/Rome Timezone
Sala Triaria, Villa Schifanoia
Alessandra Caldini
This Global Citizenship Seminar Series will host a presentation by Denis Scuto

The Luxembourg nationality law of 23 October 2008, which introduced double ius soli and the toleration of dual or multiple citizenship, represented a paradigm shift in direction of liberalisation and openness of citizenship legislation. The vote of a new nationality law by parliament on 9 February, 2017 was a further milestone in the history of Luxembourgish citizenship, a. o. introducing conditional simple ius soli at the age of majority, lowering residence period before naturalisation and reintroducing optional rights.

In 2008, 278.000 people (58 %) out of a population of 484.000 had Luxembourg citizenship. In 2022, 342.000 Luxembourgers, thus 64.000 more than 2008, live in the Grand Duchy (population 2022: 646.000; 53 % Luxembourgers). Furthermore, through the ‘re- ethnicising’ art. 29 of 2008 law – a person can re-acquire Luxembourgish citizenship provided he or she has a male or female ancestor who possessed Luxembourgish citizenship on 1 January 1900 – 23.000 new Luxembourg citizens, living abroad, have to be added to these figures. So, nearly 90.000 Luxembourgers added in only 13 years, a third more!

In his seminar, Denis Scuto will analyse the link between migration and citizenship policies on one side and migrants’ strategies and behaviours on the other side and thus shed some light on the relations between migrants and state authorities or legislations.